Ulrich Grossenbacher


Cheaters and cheated, wage dumping and moonlighting – up close and personal with the labor market inspectors Frédy, Regula, Marcos, Stefan and Chrümu.
Director of Photography
Cheaters and cheated, wage dumping and moonlighting – up close and personal with the labor market inspectors Frédy, Regula, Marcos, Stefan and Chrümu.
Cheaters and cheated, wage dumping and moonlighting – up close and personal with the labor market inspectors Frédy, Regula, Marcos, Stefan and Chrümu.
Camera Operator
«Energy Pioneers» portrays two visionaries and their fellow campaigners as they fight to solving one of humanity’s most challenging problems. A film about obstacles, crises and the power of an idea.
King of the Airs: Notes on a Friendship
Director of Photography
Martin indulged in his excessive use of drugs. He recorded his frenzied life in his diaries while his friend Ivo passionately captured everything on film with his Super 8 camera. Both sought for the absolute – average was not an option. Through the lens of this journal, Ivo Zen tells the story of his generation, a story about friendship and the desire to fly higher than anybody else.
Messies, ein schönes Chaos
A Movie about People who collect everything
Zaffaraya 3.0
Director of Photography
Hippie Masala - Forever in India
In the 1960s and 70s thousands of hippies journeyed east to India in search of enlightenment.Hippie Masala is a fascinating chronicle about flower children who,after fleeing Western civilization,found a new way of life in India.