Claude Dauphin

Claude Dauphin

Рождение : 1903-08-19, Corbeil-Essonnes, Essonne, France

Смерть : 1978-11-16


Claude Dauphin (19 August 1903 – 16 November 1978) was a French actor. He appeared in over 130 films between 1930 and 1978. He was born in Corbeil-Essonnes, Essonne. His father was Maurice Étienne Legrand, a poet who wrote as Franc-Nohain, and who was the librettist for Maurice Ravel's opera L'heure espagnole. Claude Dauphin died in Paris. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ry Claude Dauphin (actor), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Claude Dauphin
Claude Dauphin


De force avec d'autres
self (archive footage)
Actor and singer on the decline, Sergio, alcoholic, goes adrift. His son, Simon, undertakes to make a film with and on him, to try to bring him back to life, "by force with others"
Беглый каторжник Жан Вальжан обокрал священника, давшего ему еду и ночлег. Когда же Вальжана поймали, священник сказал жандармам, что подарил ему не только украденное столовое серебро, но и подсвечники. Этот поступок предопределил всю дальнейшую жизнь озлобленного человека, проведшего на каторге почти двадцать лет за кражу хлеба. Под другим именем Вальжан становится владельцем фабрики и мэром небольшого города, где всего себя посвящает служению людям и добру. Направленный в этот город инспектор полиции Жавер, охранявший Вальжана на каторге, узнает его и начинает преследовать героя, фанатично стремясь свершить правосудие — так, как он его понимает. А добряк Вальжан успел усыновить дочь умершей женщины Фантины Козетту, пообещав позаботиться о сироте. Вальжан и Козетта пытаются навсегда скрыться от Жавера. Безуспешно. Во время революции 1848 года состоится последняя, решающая встреча старых врагов…
Le pion
Albert Carreaud
Humiliated and down on his luck, a superintendent turns his life around when he decides to write a book.
Мадам Роза
Le docteur Katz
Мадам Роза -еврейка, пережившая Освенцим, сама проститутка в прошлом, становится "приемной матерью" для детей других проституток. Момо - старший среди детей и её любимчик. Она пытается воспитать этого алжирского мальчика в духе мусульманской культуры. Момо распрашивает Розу о своих родителях но она всегда уходит от прямого ответа. С возрастом Розе все труднее становится управляться с детьми и Момо вынужден ей помогать, потому что денег постоянно не хватает. Однажды он даже пытается заработать немного денег на улице как кукольник. Со временем он превращается в очаровательного юношу, и мадам Роза, находясь в постоянной тревоге за его будушее, берет с него слово, что он никогда не станет на путь проституции и не будет принуждать к этому других людей. Момо и Надина, работающая редактором на киностудии, становятся друзьями, а затем в его жизни появлятся и его отец. Мадам Роза боится, что проведет конец своих днеи в доме для престарелых. и Момо понимает, что должен что-то делать...
Focal Point
Maître Leroy
Reporter renowned photographer, Danièle Gaur is conducting an investigation into the alleged accident of her husband Michel. Her research is gradually leading her to discover the workings of a plot to assassinate US Foreign Secretary John W. Maxwell.
The Anchorite
Eleven years ago Fernando Tobajas, a man of a certain age, decided to live in the bathroom, in which he created a small apartment, and never leaves it. Tobajas has given up everything except vanity, and his contacts with the world are reduced to visits from friends and messages sent through the toilet inside aspirin tubes in the hope that someone will receive them and know about his existence. Arabel Lee, a beautiful girl, finds one of those messages.
Мадо — девушка, живущая за счет богатых покровителей. Ничего предосудительного в своей профессии она не видит, считая, что "каждый продается, как умеет". Одного из ее любовников, Симона Леотара, хозяина солидной фирмы, начинает шантажировать конкурент. Леотару грозит полное разорение и, оказывается, что единственный человек, способный помочь ему избежать жизненной катастрофы, это Мадо...
Husband at accident
Маленький человек Трелковски снимает квартиру в обветшалом доме, жители которого — старые, замкнутые отшельники. Узнав, что предыдущая хозяйка квартиры покончила с собой, выбросившись из окна, Трелковски постепенно приходит к мысли, что соседи замышляют против него недоброе. В заговоре он винит даже Стеллу, молодую женщину, в которую влюбился. Чем дальше, тем сильнее бывшая квартирантка завладевает его мыслями и он во что бы то ни стало хочет раскрыть тайну умершей женщины и ее судьбы…
Не упускай из виду
De Rovère
Пьер работает в банке и любит парикмахершу Жанет, но ей кажется скучной любовь с банкиром, думающем в первую очередь только о работе. И однажды, Пьера назначают временным заместителем директора банка, пока сам директор уезжают в отпуск. И именно в это время мошенники решают украсть из банка важные документы, но бдительный Пьер заметив это, бросается в погоню. Но во время погони он попадается на глаза Жанет, и та, решив, что Пьер нашел другую, бросается в погоню за ним! И начинается цепь невероятных приключений и недоразумений, в которые попадают герои этой прекрасной комедии!
Бутон розы
Charles-André Fargeau
Группа палестинских террористов захватывает яхту "Розовый бутон" и находившихся на ней пятерых дочерей миллионеров и требуют показать по телевидению пленку со своими требованиями. Секретный агент Мартин берётся выследить террористов…
Главное – любить
Серве и Надин познакомились на съёмочной площадке. Он — фотограф, зарабатывающий на хлеб порноснимками. Она — актриса-неудачница. Желая помочь женщине, в которую влюбился с первого взгляда, Серве покупает для неё роль в новом спектакле. Надин оказывается между двумя мужчинами. Её муж был рядом много лет, но потерял вкус к жизни. Серве готов действовать ради любви, но не может выбраться из ничтожного мира, который его окружает. Судьба сама сделает выбор. Один из мужчин Надин должен уйти из жизни.
We Want the Colonels
Il Presidente della Repubblica
Italy 1973. Giuseppe Tritoni (Ugo Tognazzi) is an ultra-right-wing congressman that doesn't agree anymore with his fascist party policy. He contacts many Italian Army officers and built a net of relationship in order to organize a Coup d'Etat (Golpe). Something goes wrong and the Interior Minister (Home Secretary) Mr. Li Masi (Lino Pugliesi) got the all information about the attempted Golpe. So the Minister organizes a counter-Golpe. Tritoni desperately, to save his project, kidnaps the Italian Republic President (Claude Dauphin) that immediately dies for heartache. Now Minister Mr. Li Masi is free to lay down the law to the rest of the country, realizing basically the actual Golpe! Tritoni surrenders and will spend rest of his time trying to sell his ideas about managing Golpe in Africa!
At the Meeting with Joyous Death
Father D'Aval
The premise deals with a family living in a country-house which turns out to be 'alive' – to the point where a TV crew is brought in to 'capture' the paranormal phenomena
The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life
Cancelliere Bouisson
A successful businessman whose destiny leads him to a secluded Swiss chalet where his life is put on trial by a group of retired law professionals. The men assemble to analyze Sordi's rise to power and his increasingly immoral behavior as he attained success, and the warped perceptions of right and wrong he has adopted to remain successful.
Berlin Affair
Spy suspense drama set in 1960's Berlin. Intrigue and double-cross lead Killian on a twisting path through love and loss.
Безумная из Шайо
Dr. Jadin
Маргарет Лейтон с ее воображаемой собакой и Джульетта Мазина с ее вооброжаемыми амурами летают рикошетом вокруг района Шайо в Париже, разделяя фантомный мир прошлого с Кэтрин Хепберн. Хепберн, как в той же степени вышедшая из ума графиня Аурелия, безумная из Шайо, измеряет жизнь где-то между любовником, потерянным много лет назад, и пропавшим боа с перьями.
Жесткие рамки
Американец киллер Джон Каннингем приезжает в Европу, чтобы выполнить последний контракт. Однако встреча с красивой молодой женщиной заставляет его переосмыслить свою жизнь и усомниться в том, стоит ли ему выполнять условия контракта.
President of Earth
Молодой ученый по имени Дюран-Дюран неожиданно исчез в неизведанных окрестностях звезды Тау-Сети по пути на Полярную Звезду. Казалось бы — ну и что? Мало ли какие дела могли появиться у уважаемого ученого? Однако Президент Солнечной Системы прекрасно осведомлен, что Дюран-Дюран изобрел такую великую игрушку, как позитронический луч, которая может уничтожить не только Солнечную Систему, но и вообще всю Вселенную. И тогда он призывает на помощь раскрепощенную и страшно красивую искательницу сексуальных приключений, которая странствует по всей Вселенной в 41-м столетии от Рождества Христова. Она встречается с представителями рас и цивилизаций самой разнообразной внешности и несет им всем простую и скромную вещь — любовь.
Adolphe ou l'âge tendre
Monsieur Rebeque
Spy Pit
Julien Saint Dominique, an agent of the French counter-espionage service in Berlin, investigates the kidnapping of a functionary taken by German communists into East Germany.
The Other One
Anne, an unhappily married actress, temporarily assumes the identity of her sister Simone, the successful director of a London fashion house.
Le marquis d'Orpiez
Lamiel (Anna Karina) is a poor orphan girl who climbs her way to the social elite in this 19th-century costume drama. A doctor (Michel Bouquet) lives vicariously through Anna as he oversees the progress of his female protégé. Lamiel finds love with a young thief who steals into her bedroom after her marriage to a penniless count (Jean-Clause Brialy), and the two experience a romantic rendezvous of forbidden love after Lamiel goes from being a poor peasant woman to living a life of comparative luxury.
Двое в пути
Maurice Dalbret
Переживающие кризис супружеской жизни, Марк и Джоанна Уоллес отправляются отдохнуть на французскую Ривьеру, место их знакомства. Будучи студентом, Марк, изучавший памятники европейской архитектуры, встретился там с весёлой компанией девушек-музыкантов. Вначале Марк «запал» на Джекки, но затем переключился на Джоанну… Уже поженившись, они ещё не раз совершали поездки по Европе, и каждый раз их брак подвергался испытаниям на прочность. Нынешнее путешествие помогает им понять, что, сколько бы они ни ссорились и какие бы серьезные причины не говорили в пользу развода, они все ёще очень любят друг друга…
Гран при
Hugo Simon
Личная жизнь и любовь четверых профессиональных автогонщиков, сыгранных Монтаном, Гарнером, Сабато и Бедфордом, перемежаются впечатляюще снятыми автогонками. Герои картины, рискуя жизнью, сражаются за победу в ряде важных европейских соревнований серии «Формула 1», включая Гран При Монако в Монте Карло.
Горит ли Париж?
Colonel Lebel
Гитлер издаёт чудовищный приказ о минировании Парижа и поручает генералу фон Хольтицу стереть город с лица земли. Генерал Леклерк, возглавляющий бронетанковую дивизию, а также французское сопротивление во главе с будущим премьер-министром Франции — Шабан-Дельмасом — должны сделать всё, чтобы спасти родной город от уничтожения.
Леди Л
Inspector Mercier
На праздновании восьмидесятилетия герцогини Лендейл, больше известной как «Леди Л», ее биограф сэр Перси просит даму рассказать о своей юности. И урожденная корсиканка Луиза начинает свой рассказ: о том, как попала в Париж, как познакомилась с анархистом Арманом Дени, как за ней ухаживал и добился согласия стать его женой герцог Дики Лендейл...
The Sleeping Car Murder
Le frère d'Eliane (uncredited)
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
Lawyer Bardick
По пьесе Фридриха Дюрренматта "Визит старой дамы". Эксцентричная миллионерша спустя много лет возвращается в родные места, чтобы взыскать с земляков старый должок. Она приняла решение пожертвовать городку, пришедшему в упадок, огромную сумму. Но при одном условии: мужчина, который когда-то соблазнил и бросил ее, должен умереть...
Mr. Oscar
Респектабельная мадам Мари Поль проигрывает в казино на Лазурном берегу астрономические суммы, регулярно получаемые от мужа-миллионера. Много лет назад, она жила в крохотном французском городке, едва сводя концы с концами. Ее мать, умирая, умоляла дочь соглашаться на все, лишь бы не жить в нищете. После смерти матери молодая Мари начала настоящую охоту на мужчин, чтобы всегда иметь на обед свою «тарелку супа»…
Симфония для резни
Банда наркоторговцев собирается провернуть крупную сделку по закупке товара. Один из гангстеров разрабатывает хитроумный план, чтобы не делиться с подельниками, а присвоить весь куш себе, но досадная промашка ставит под удар всю его сложную комбинацию..
Дьявол и десять заповедей
Georges Beaufort
Комедийные, драматические, трагикомические, мелодраматические, криминальные новеллы переплетаются в картине, образуя кинематографическую мозаику на религиозную тему. Десять библейских заповедей - и дьявольские искушения...
Tiara Tahiti
Henri Farengue
James Mason and John Mills star in this comedy-drama about a tough colonel and a refined captain who clashed during the war, and continue their personal battle in peace-time Tahiti.
The Full Treatment
David Prade
Race car driver Alan Colby and his new wife Denise are involved in a car crash where he sustains a serious head injury, causing him to have murderous feelings toward Denise. After Denise persuades him to honeymoon with her on the Cote D'Azur in France, they enlist the aid of a French psychiatrist who offers to regress Alan back to the time of the accident and cure him.
Matisse ou Le talent de bonheur
Narrator (voice)
From his childhood in the lowlands of northern France to his death in Nice, a look at the life of painter Matisse: his early education, his apprenticeship at the Beaux-Arts and his decades-long career as a painter, sculptor, and draftsman.
Pourquoi viens-tu si tard...
René Dargillière
Walter, a reporter and photographer, meets Catherine in a train. The young lawyer recently gained an acquittal for a man who killed his alcoholic father to save his mother. Campaigning against alcoholism, she asks Walter to help her unmask a wine merchant engaged in shady practices.
Тихий американец
Inspector Vigot
Циничный британский журналист Фаулер влюбляется в молодую вьетнамскую женщину, но испытывает ужас, когда наивный американский чиновник тоже начинает соперничать за внимание девушки.
Phantom of the Rue Morgue
Insp. Bonnard
When several women are found mutilated and murdered, the Paris police are baffled as to who the killer may be. All evidence points to Dupin, but soon it becomes apparent that it is someone (or something) stronger and deadlier than a human.
Три мушкетёра
Commentant le film par la voix de (voice)
Классический случай, когда молодость и присущая ей бесшабашность - не порок, а дорога к славе. Бедный гасконский дворянин, благодаря безрассудной храбрости, сумел спасти со своими друзьями-мушкетерами честь королевы Франции. Несмотря на все козни, чинимые кардиналом Ришелье руками своих подручных.
Маленький мальчик потерян
Pierre Verdier
По одноименному рассказу Маргариты Ласки о поисках отцом своего маленького сына, потерянного во время войны.
April in Paris
Philippe Fouquet
A series of misunderstandings leads to a chorus girl traveling to Paris to represent the American theater, where she falls in love with a befuddled bureaucrat.
Золотая каска
Felix Leca
Красавица Мари и плотник Жорж влюбляются в друг друга. Проблема в том, что Мари — женщина босса локальной банды. Теперь Жоржу предстоит вернуться к своему темному прошлому, от которого он хотел навсегда избавиться…
le docteur
Три истории об удовольствии. Первая — о скрывающем свой возраст за маской мужчине, который во время бала пытается ухлестывать за женщинами. Вторая — об управляющей публичного дома, которая везет своих работниц на причастие к племяннице. Третья — о художнике, который влюбляется в свою натурщицу.
Adorable Creatures
Narrator (voice)
Andre Noblet, a 21-year-old French artist falls madly in love with Christine, the mother of two children. He tells Chistine he will tell all to her husband and demand her freedom. Christine learns that her husband has been carrying on a romance of his own and they have a meeting.
Vito Bucelli
The real-life deportation of gangster Lucky Luciano was the inspiration for this romanticized and slightly crackbrained crime drama. Jeff Chandler plays the Luciano counterpart, who once he arrives in Italy renews his criminal activities.
The Chocolate Girl
Paul Normand
Benjamine, the daughter of the chocolate maker Lapistole, has broken down in her car, spends a night at Paul Norman's, imposes herself casually and causes the break-up of the engagement of this peaceful civil servant with the daughter of his department head. A friend maintains contact between Paul and Benjamine, becomes the head of publicity at Lapistole and when Norman is dismissed through Benjamine's fault, brings his two friends closer and proves to them that they are made for each other.
Thus Finishes the Night
Pianist André Fuger
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
L'inconnu d'un soir
Edith, a young orphan, is exploited as a waitress and bullied by her adoptive father. But she has a dream: she wants to become a star. One day the Orient Express, which never stops at the little station across the café she works in, is forced to pull up due to a technical incident. And out of a carriage gets ... a company of dancers, who start rehearsing before Edith's amazed eyes. She meets the director of the company, handsome dancing star Harry Belmont, who takes an interest in her beauty and in her natural talent. When she leaves her obnoxious father for Vienna, Harry is absent. She nearly gets seduced by a libidinous man but, after a narrow escape, she gets a job from Treberg, the owner of the restaurant she had dined in. Treberg finds her there, hires her as a dancer and the pair soon meets tremendous success. A star is born but, realizing that he comes second to her, he prefers to vanish.
Firemen's Ball
Camille, Olivier and Henri Grégeois
1944, France experiences its last days of German occupation. A microcosm representative of the various attitudes adopted during this troubled period, some heroic, others less brilliant, the Grégeois family, scattered by the war, will strengthen its ties according to the Allied advance on the territory and the liberation of Paris, with its joys but also its sorrows, because not all of its members will survive the relative chaos that will characterize this end of the world war.
Jean de la Lune
Marceline is pretty but inconstant. She has a brother, eccentric as well as invading, who serves as a go-between between the fickle young woman and her lovers. She has been the mistress of Richard for a while when Jeff, an engaging but but unrepentant dreamer, falls madly in love with her. Marceline first turns him down but finally accepts him after she breaks up with Richard. But the coquette has not given up her escapades to which the young florist, nicknamed "Jean de la Lune" for his naivety, turns a blind eye. Little time after their wedding , Marceline becomes infatuated with the good looks of a superficial young man, Alexandre. But Jeff, who has developed a fondness for Jean, intervenes to save the couple.
Круиз для неизвестного
Clément Fournil
Уполномоченный одного банка решает ликвидировать директора Клемана Фурниля. Для реализации своего преступного плана он арендует яхту и подключает к делу некоего Фрешисса Эмиля. Появляется некая Марианна, которая желает выйти замуж за Фрешисса после смерти Фурниля. Тем временем по радио объявляют, что расследованием исчезновения банкира занимается детектив Баррал. В итоге оказывается, что Баррал не кто иной, как Марианна, которая к тому же была законной женой Фурниля.
Impeccable Henri
Henri, a basically honest fellow, accepts to work for a gang of burglars only to revenge himself on Fournier-Salville, a wealthy businessman who once ruined him. His role will be to become Fournier-Saville's majordomo and at the same time to inform the burglars so as to facilitate their work. But once in the house he performs his task so well and so stylishly that he becomes indispensable. Moreover, Eve, the businessman's capricious daughter, does not remain insensible to his charms.
La parade du rire
A debate on the definition of the word laughter, organized by Madame de Saint-Jules and two academicians, illustrated by film extracts, turns into a huge battle of cream pies.
Paris Nineteen Hundred
Le narrateur
Nicole Védrèss' chronicle of Paris from 1900 to 1914 is brought to life through the use of original material, all authentic, secured from more then 700 films belonging to public and private collections. A few of the celebrities of the time shown are Enrico Caruso, Sarah Bernhardt, and Maurice Chevalier.
Road Blocked
Jacques Audoin
Jacques Audoin falls in love with a pianist, Evelyne Clery, and marries her. In reality, he had wanted to approach her, because he imagined that she had witnessed the murder of the lover of his first wife. Evelyne learns what has happened and, revolted by what she thinks is her husband's plot, commits suicide. Jacques confesses his crime.
Van Gogh
Oscar Winning 1948 short film by Alain Resnais, not to be confused with either the Short 1966 TV doc or the 1991 feature film by Maurice Pialat, both of which shared the same name.
The Fan
Jacques Brévannes
Martine is a lonely girl in an exclusive boarding school who conjures up a glamorous existence in order to make her dull life tolerable and to impress the other girls. One of her flights of fancy is a love affair with Brevannes, a famous composer. She leaves the school and goes to the French Alps to find the life she's only dreamed about, where she meets Brevannes and a December-May romance develops until she meets a young mountain guide, Henri Vidal.
Rendezvous in Paris
Robert Chesnay aka Michel Trévines
When she sets sail for Lisbon, Catherine Laurence, a famous classical singer has but one wish: to be left alone. Unfortunately she soon gets bothered by a rude, invading man. Later she gets to know him better and becomes susceptible to his charm. She realizes that Michel is in love with her and it is not long before she goes beyond her disastrous first impression. Although not quite sure he is a perfectly honest man she entrusts him with a delicate assignment: keep her precious pearl necklace coveted by Van Coolart, a fake Dutch diamond-merchant, and give it back to her in Paris. If he is a robber himself, so much the worse for her. But if Michel keeps the Paris rendezvous love is in store for both of them. Nevertheless there is a crucial factor she regrettably disregards, composer Raymond Aubour, a faithful friend who has been her suitor for ten years.
Dropped from Heaven
Gaby, the singer of the "Raymond's Jazz" band, leads Maurice, one of the musicians, to believe that, following a night he spent with her in the hay, he is the father of her child. In fact, the baby is neither his nor hers. He is the son of Madeleine, a young war widow who has entrusted him to her friend Gaby until she is allotted a flat. One day, Maurice happens to meet Madeleine and falls in love with her but he does not dare to confess his "paternity" to her. Fortunately the misunderstanding is clarified and Maurice can at the same time marry Madeleine and adopt her kid.
We Are Not Married
They have been living together for some time in a bohemian environment. The boy is attracted to a friend of his mistress and he frankly acknowledges his feeling. His companion favors meetings and even multiplies them: satiety, habituation, weariness set in very quickly. It is the shrewd mistress who will be married.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano, poet and cadet from Gascony, is afflicted with an excessively long nose which makes the beauties smile. He is no less in love with his cousin Roxane.
Une femme coupée en morceaux
Four men in love with the same woman put on a music-hall show and travel the world in search of the beauty. They will find success and fortune, but their sentimental quest will be a failure.
Dorothy Looks for Love
To be able to win paradise, a selfish old billionaire, who has just died, must make someone happy. He will have to guide a young girl through the intricacies of love.
Aimé Cavalier
At the beginning of the 20th century, the destiny of Félicie Nanteuil, a young girl from the provinces who became a big star on the stage thanks to a comedian who committed suicide out of love for her.
English Without Tears
François de Freycinet
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
Une femme disparaît
Robert Chardin
A Salute to France
Jacques Bonhomme
Directed by Garson Kanin and Jean Renoir.
Two Shy Ones
Jules Frémissin
Jules Frémissin is shy and in love. The father of the object of his flame is also shy. The marriage proposal is very laborious, because before marrying Cécile Thibaudier, Jules must fight a duel with the arrogant Vancouver, convinced that all this eager and awkward courtship was intended for his own wife, also named Cécile.
The Beautiful Adventure
Valentin Le Barroyer
On the very day of his wedding, Valentin Le Barroyer sees the one he was to marry fly away. Hélène has always loved her cousin André, to the great displeasure of her aunt who had combined the failed marriage. The two lovers take refuge in the Dordogne at the home of Hélène's grandmother who believes them to be really husband and wife. Valentin finds the young couple too late, he only has to console himself with a friend of Hélène's.
Little Nothings
Drial (uncredited)
Following a broadcast on the radio, each of the listeners remembers these "little nothings" (the title is borrowed from a play by Mozart), which have often changed their lives. Each of these stories told will prove that a tiny detail in life can change an entire destiny.
Men Without Fear
1895. Discovery of X-rays. Researchers and scholars are true martyrs, because they do not know how to protect themselves against radiation dermatitis. Professor Belcour has to have one hand amputated, his assistant Henri Vermont, aware of the danger, has the courage to break up with his fiancée. Withdrawn to the countryside, they eventually recover.
Promise to the Unknown One
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
Strange Suzy
To prevent her husband from starting a divorce procedure, a wife simulates madness.
The Tale of the Fox
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brought to him.
Radio Surprises
The Bontemps family, like all the inhabitants of the village of Coussy la Chapelle, are passionate about radio. Coco, the fiancé of Jacqueline Bontemps, participates in all the contests and under the name of Mr. Bontemps wins a beautiful Sunday. All arrive in Paris and in the premises of the Parisian Post Office attend popular broadcasts.
Paris-New York
Paul Landry
The forbidden romance between wealthy Giselle Preville and impoverished journalist Claude Dauphin. When Preville disappears, Dauphin is accused of kidnapping by the girl's snobbish father Rene Alexander. By the time the Normandie reaches New York, however, the "mystery" is solved and all misunderstandings blithely swept away.
Beating Heart
Pierre de Rougemont
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Cavalcade of Love
Léandre, Hubert & Georges
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
The World Will Shake
Jean Durand
In this sci-fi film, a scientist invents a prescient machine that can tell people when they will die. Oddly enough, the people do not want to know and therefore begin to riot…
Claire Buisson becomes enamored with Gerard and soon afterwords she becomes pregnant. Gerard advises her to abort the child but, at the last moment, Claire decides to keep her child and leaves for her sister's place in the province.
The Curtain Rises
François Polti
François, Cécilia and Isabelle are students of the drama class of the Conservatoire led by Professor Lambertin. François is in love with Isabelle who also loves him, but he is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress. Cécilia commits suicide staging the suicide like a crime, so as to involve Francis. But a testimony restores the truth.
The Spanking
A husband, exasperated by his wife, spanks her without paying attention to the open window in front of which he is. He is annoyingly surprised to discover the next day that the scene has been photographed by a neighbor, and that the image is circulating in Paris. A debate then ensues: is this an opportunity to call for revolt or a welcome manifestation of marital authority?
Un Invité (Prologue)
Завязка лёгкого любовного романа между обаятельной светской дамой и отошедшим от дел адвокатом сулит приятное времяпровождение обоим, да и случай подворачивается удачный. Муж дамы под предлогом деловой встречи отправляется на вечернее свидание, она же получает возможность нанести визит новому воздыхателю. Утомлённые любовники засыпают сном праведников и лишь утром осознают масштабы грядущего скандала, ведь замужняя дама провела ночь вне дома. Поправить положение, кажется, невозможно, тем более что и муж нежданно-негаданно заявляется на квартиру к адвокату. Только вовсе не скандалить – оказывается, он и сам загулял на всю ночь, а теперь нуждается в помощи ловкого приятеля, чтобы оправдаться перед покинутой в одиночестве супругой.
The Happy Road
It is only the prospect of having a child that draws the otherwise strictly urban new wife, Suzanne, to a family farm, she really doesn't care for the countryside of for her in laws.
Le voyage imprévu
André Chabrolles
A husband orders his wife to recover a lost slipper. The wife enlists the aid of her friend, Beatrice (Betty Stockfield) to bring the slipper to her in Switzerland, and Georges (Roger Treville) follows Betty.
Return to Paradise
Trying to acclimatize a group of overworked city dwellers from very different backgrounds to the open air and work in the fields, such is the unusual challenge that an original practitioner, the curious doctor Bouvard, is attempting. The trial, which involves many risks, gives unexpected but not disappointing results.
Le billet de mille
The nephew
The tribulations of a banknote, from its exit from a counter to its destruction, passing through dozens of hands.
André 'Dédé' de la Huchette
Dédé is a young wealthy man who buys a shoe store, owned by his friend Robert, in order to receive more conveniently his mistress. Everything seems fine and Dédé seems to be enjoying all of this. But the man barely knew that he would fall in love with one of the many pretty vendors of his new "acquisition", favoring this new girl over the previous one.
We Are Not Children
In the spring of 1913, Jean Servin, a son of a family, became friends with Roberte, a little midinette. He leaves her a few months later to marry Cécile Breton. The years go by. Jean becomes an important businessman. One evening, he meets Roberte, who has become the wife of a wealthy American. She does not love her husband any more than he loves his wife. They recall their memories. They seem to still love each other. They plan to rebuild their lives. Together, they will spend a few days in Dieppe, as they did in the past after their first meeting. They feel so different from what they were twenty years ago that they understand that the past cannot live again.
Les surprises du sleeping
Prince Philippe
Prince Philippe of Bracowa must join his fiancée by train. The young and pretty Gisèle is on the same train, for her too to join her fiancé.
Love and Cool Water
le jeune homme renversé
A young man is hit by a car on a zebra crossing. The pretty driver drives him home, takes care of him and falls in love with him. She has a fat, selfish, boorish husband whom she abandons to her imaginary illnesses to marry her nice wounded man.
Abbot Constantine
Paul de Laverdens
A rich American lady has bought the Castle of Longueval. Her sister is being courted by two young villagers, one that fell in love with her, and the other one that fell in love with the Castle.
Boubouroche, a decent guy, enjoys shopping and playing cards at the cafe with his buddies: Potasse, that he is quick to "scold" for playing the wrong card, Fouettard and Roth. For eight years, Boubouroche has been living with a woman he adores called Adele. Then one day over drinks, Boubouroche is shocked and dismayed to find out he is cuckolded... And has been for quite a while!
Don't Need Money
Thomas Hoffmann arrives totally penniless from the megalopolis of Chicago and settles in the small village of Groditzkirchen. He soon forged a solid reputation there and established himself in the world of business and finance thanks to his charm and his bluff, interpreting with brio and relaxation the role of the nice millionaire.
A Happy Man
Claude, shy, instructs Michel to declare his love to Simone, the young girl he loves. But Michel seduces her and becomes engaged to her. She surprises him in the arms of another, breaks off her engagement and marries Claude, whom she has come to know and love.
Comedy and misunderstandings around thwarted loves in Paris but which will end well in Provence.
While sailing on a yacht off the French Riviera a shy young man and the owner's daughter are shipwrecked on an island.
A Girl and a Million
The French language version of Sehnsucht 202 (1932).
To the Polls, Citizens
The Fortune
It's all arranged