Sebastián Castillo

Рождение : , Chile


Лина из Лимы
Third Assistant Director
Десять лет назад Лина ради заработка покинула свою родину Перу и устроилась домработницей в Чили. Это позволило ей не думать о деньгах и посылать средства своему сыну Джуниору. На Рождество она должна ехать домой, к своей семье, однако ряд обстоятельств заставляет её засомневаться в этой идее.
David has to share his room with a stranger, although he is not so fond of the idea.
Sebastián is a photographer who portrays homosexual men in Santiago de Chile, mainly by revealing their sexual expressions. It doesn't matter who or how many of them are involved, nor is it an issue the fact of their being exposed, as sex and the camera are a escape from their realities.
Sebastián is a photographer who portrays homosexual men in Santiago de Chile, mainly by revealing their sexual expressions. It doesn't matter who or how many of them are involved, nor is it an issue the fact of their being exposed, as sex and the camera are a escape from their realities.
Assistant Director
1997, Antonieta celebrates her 11th birthday in parallel to the news that moves the world; Lady Di has died. While the family hears the news, Antonieta suffers the sudden loss of her dog Pola. Her search and the attention of a public person put an end to her childhood.
1997, Antonieta celebrates her 11th birthday in parallel to the news that moves the world; Lady Di has died. While the family hears the news, Antonieta suffers the sudden loss of her dog Pola. Her search and the attention of a public person put an end to her childhood.
The Winter Swim
Assistant Director
Andrea is a shy teenager who only trusts Claudio, her father, with whom she maintains a relationship of full confidence. This closeness breaks down when Andrea starts to suspect her father of having an affair.
Araucanía herida
Araucanía Herida, is the portrait of the repression that was unleashed in the provinces of Cautín and Malleco, after the coup d'état in 1973 by the armed forces, together with numerous civilians from different towns and cities of Araucanía. The documentary is a journey from mountain range to sea, passing through different locations where people who lived the facts, tell us what happened in each of those places and what they lived. Not only being a case, but several in a geographical territory, one after another each testimony, we unveiled a coordinated and ruthless strategy of repression, not portrayed before in any region of Chile.