Platzwart Plotzke
This quirky episodic comedy weaves together three plotlines centered around the employees of a car garage, with some unexpected fairytale elements to get things moving. A woodland fairy convinces shy bookkeeper Piel to suddenly start driving his Trabi far above the speed limit. Manager Neumann sells his soul to a black cat in order to purchase a more respectable vehicle. And a spirit named "Car Accident" offers to warn owner Sengebusch about upcoming traffic accidents so he can make money by always being the first on the scene.
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Wolf Brandin is in his mid-twenties and lives with his wife and child in East Berlin at the end of the 1950s. In West Berlin, the student of electrical engineering is recruited by the American secret service CIA. But Brandin immediately notifies the State Security of the German Democratic Republic and from then on lives a dangerous life as a double agent. When Brandin reaches the breaking point, his marriage starts to unravel because Brandin is not allowed to tell his family about his double life.
Sabine Wulff is almost 18 when she is released from the juvenile detention center. She doesn't want to return to her unsupportive parents or to her former boyfriend Jimmy, who got her into trouble by persuading her to steal cigarettes. She instead chooses to begin an honest life by getting a job and renting her own room.
Dr. Gerd Thiessen, an experienced veterinarian, takes up a new job at a publicly owned manor. His research colleagues are less than thrilled about his ideas and modification proposals. Thus, the pretty and confident veterinarian Sabine Ladenbach becomes his only ally and soon they fall in love with each other. When Thiessen’s wife Eva notices that her husband is growing away from her, she starts to fight for him. Eventually, Thiessen realizes that Eva is the woman of his life, both privately and professionally. At the same time, he figures out that he needs the support of his team to achieve success in his field.
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car. Deeply distressed, they go to a Christmas fair and buy a lottery ticket with their remaining money. To their delight, they win a washing machine! Peter is especially excited when Santa Claus shows up and promises to transport the machine for him, but the old man instead vanishes with the boys' gift. Hans is convinced that Peter has been conned and chases after the fleeing Santa. But Peter simply cannot believe that Santa Claus could be anything other than kind and helpful.
Kasper Mai, an export merchant and comrade with a “clean” record, discovers he is the prince of Hohenlohe-Liebenstein. His royal grandmother designates him as the heir to her estate. A private trip to her reveals that she does not want a NATO airbase built on her land. The GDR and his grandmother thus find a common interest, and a clever lawyer from the East works against other family members looking to settle their debts with the estate money.
A Saxon village in 1792: While the Prussians go against France, the haymaking takes place in the village and the resolute Marthe catches her daughter Ev with the village blacksmith Ruprecht in the hay.
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
Вторая мировая война окончена, но Дрезден лежит в руинах. Калле приходит на родную табачную фабрику, которую приходится восстанавливать заново. Строителям срочно нужен карбид, который можно достать на заводе в Виттенберге, что находится в 200-х километрах от Дрездена. Калле берётся за эту работу. И вот он находится за воротами химического завода с семью бочками драгоценного материала. И пусть у него нет никакого транспорта, зато есть неисправимый оптимизм и смекалка...
The young architect Hannelore becomes part of the all-male brigade Fröhlich whose members are supposed to build houses at the Strausberger Platz in Berlin. The brigade men drink a lot of beer and are less than thrilled about the new girl. Hanne is the only one who is absolutely delighted with Hannelore. When he starts a drunken fight on May Day, he is arrested and accused of armed robbery. Hannelore immediately convinces the other men in the brigade to help Hanne.
Czech friends help refugees from Nazi Germany escape in 1939.
Когда-то давным-давно жил ленивый мельник, который все свое время проводил, попивая вино и рассказывая небылицы. Когда казначей короля приходит на мельницу с требованием оплатить налог, мельник лжет, что его дочь Мари может прясть из соломы золото. Отцу и дочери приказывают прийти во дворец, где Мари запирают в башне, полной соломы. Король приказывает ей под страхом наказания перепрясть всю солому в золото к следующему утру. Конечно, она не знает, как прясть из соломы золото. И тут ей на помощь приходит маленький эльф. Девушка отдает ему все свои украшения в обмен на помощь, но король требует ещё больше золота и ей приходится пообещать маленькому эльфу своего будущего первенца. Король берет Мари в жены. Пролетел год и после рождения ребенка к Мари явился маленький эльф и потребовал обещанное — дитя королевы. Мари умоляет эльфа оставить ей дитя, и эльф соглашается с одним условием — королева должна назвать его имя. Кто же придет на помощь Мари?