Sharleen Cornish


Let Me In 2
A nun and her daughter are put into a difficult situation that leaves them trapped. Keesha discovers true love in unexpected circumstances, Isha must do everything she can to control her deep rage that is built up inside of her and Troy must protect the public from evil.
Head Above Water
Tina the PA
A mockumentary following the craziest rivalry in surfing history, and the events that follow a shark attack at an annual competition.
Jeremy the Dud
Sales Clerk
Imagine a world in which having a disability was the norm, and the select few that don't, duds, experience the same condescending and patronizing attitudes as people with disabilities experience in our society.
Makeup Artist
Джали, молодой абориген, начинает свой путь по жизни, пытаясь понять, что значит быть мужчиной в современном мире. Он видит те проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются мужчины-аборигены в сельских и городских общинах. В то время, как он ищет своё место в жизни, в нём пробуждается особая духовная сила, ведущая его по пути к маскулинности.