Martita Hunt

Martita Hunt

Рождение : 1900-01-30, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Смерть : 1969-06-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Martita Edith Hunt (30 January 1900 – 13 June 1969) was an Argentine-born British theatre and film actress. She had a dominant stage presence and played a wide range of powerful characters. She is best remembered for her performance as Miss Havisham in David Lean's Great Expectations.


Martita Hunt


The Best House in London
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
Исчезнувшая Банни Лейк
Ada Ford
Недавно переехавшая в новую квартиру Энн Лейк в первый раз собирает свою дочь Банни в новую школу. У нее нет мужа, а живет она вместе со своим братом, журналистом Стивеном. После обеда Энн отправляется в школу, чтобы забрать Банни. Но та не появляется. На расспросы обеспокоенной Энн выясняется, что в суматохе дня ее никто не заметил. Девочка просто пропала…
Непотопляемая Молли Браун
Grand Duchess Elise Lupavinova
Проживающая в горной местности необразованная и бедная Молли покидает свою лачугу в поисках богатого мужа, уважения и лучшей жизни.
Empress Matilda
Генрих II окружен завистниками и интриганами. Единственный человек, которому правитель Англии всецело доверяет, — Томас Бекет. Он — слуга и наставник, военный советник и соучастник амурных похождений короля. Чтобы подчинить себе могучего противника — католическую церковь, — Генрих добивается избрания Бекета архиепископом Кентерберийским. Но веселый гуляка, плюющий на законы, неожиданно превращается в жесткого и целеустремленного политика, жаждущего укрепить авторитет церкви. Бывшие друзья превращаются в злейших врагов, и между ними разгорается тотальная война…
Чудесный мир братьев Гримм
Anna Richter
Братья Вильгельм и Якоб Гримм выдумывают родословную для герцога на основе трех своих сказок.
Mr. Topaze
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
Нескончаемая песня
Grand Duchess
Музыка Ференца Листа - яркая, запоминающаяся. Такова была и его жизнь: легкомысленная, авантюристическая, эпатажная, благоухающая славой выдающегося пианиста. Не зря одна из его женщин, графиня Мари Д'Агу сказала своей сопернице :"Лист не женится на Вас. Он женат на своей публике, и - навсегда!".
Невесты Дракулы
Baroness Meinster
В глухом местечке Трансильвании старая баронесса скрывает в замке сына-вампира и заманивает к нему молоденьких девушек. Одна из гостивших особ выпускает упыря на свободу. К счастью, в глухомань с визитом прибывает известный истребитель вампиров доктор Ван Хельсинг.
Розги не жалеть!
Lady Gore-Willoughby
Ситуация в английской школе для мальчиков, руководимой строгим, но несправедливым директором, рано или поздно выходит из-под контроля.
Venetian Honeymoon
Lisa Bradwell
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
Me and the Colonel
Mother Superior
Jacobowsky, a Jewish refugee, flees from the Nazis with an aristocratic, anti-semitic Polish officer trying to get papers to England. Jurgens learns to appreciate Jacobowsky, despite their competition for the same woman, and together they outwit their pursuers
Здравствуй, грусть
Philippe's Mother
Семнадцатилетняя Сесиль, ее отец Раймон и его подружка Эльза живут на уединенной вилле у Средиземного моря. Однажды Раймон объявляет, что к ним на несколько дней приедет погостить его старая знакомая Анна Ларсен. Сесиль удивлена: что может связывать легкомысленного отца и сдержанную Анну? Вскоре ее удивление перерастает в возмущение, потому что Раймон и Анна сообщают, что собираются пожениться.
Dangerous Exile
Lady Lydia Fell
Dangerous Exile is a 1957 British historical drama film directed by Brian Desmond Hurst and starring Louis Jourdan, Belinda Lee, Anne Heywood and Richard O'Sullivan. It concerns the fate of Louis XVII, who died in 1795 as a boy, yet was popularly believed to have escaped from his French revolutionary captors.
Connie Harper
Поздней ночью в психиатрическую клинику прибывают подозрительные гости. Хозяин принимает пациентов, но вскоре выясняется, что на самом деле это шпионы-симулянты.
The Admirable Crichton
Lady Brocklehurst
Lord Loam has modern ideas about his household, he believes in treating his servants as his equals - at least sometimes. His butler, Crichton, still believes that members of the serving class should know their place and be happy there. But when the Loam family are shipwrecked on a desert island with the self-reliant Crichton and lady's maid Tweeny, the class system is put to the test.
Three Men in a Boat
Mrs. Willis
Three London gentlemen take a vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.
Baroness Elena von Livenbaum
Выдает ли она себя за дочь последнего русского царя или действительно это она? После блестящей игры Ингрид Бергман ни у кого из зрителей не оставалось сомнений в том, что Анастасия и есть потерянная и несчастная дочь убитого Николая II.
The March Hare
Lady Anne
Sir Charles Hare, a young Irish baronet, gambles his all on one of his horses at Ascot. But the horse is 'pulled', and Sir Charles is forced to sell his Irish estate. His aunt, however, has some surprises in store for him.
King's Rhapsody
Queen Mother
Flynn plays the exciled Ruritanian king who leaves his mistress to return home to a political marriage. Love versus duty in this enjoyable romantic film.
Mme. Marchesi
Rural Australian Nellie Melba becomes an opera star in 1900s Europe and the United States.
Folly to Be Wise
Lady Dodd
A newly-arrived army chaplain is put in charge of camp entertainment and has the idea of putting on a Brains Trust with local notables. Unfortunately for him, it emerges from a question on the rights and wrongs of marriage that there is more going on between three of the panelists than he wants to know about - though the audience obviously thinks differently.
It Started in Paradise
Mme. Alice
A talented dress designer, who lets nothing get in the way of her success, rises in the fashion world then loses contact with her own humanity. She also forgets that you meet the same people on the way up as on the way down.
Meet Me Tonight
Mabel Grace
Meet Me Tonight was the American title for the British-filmed Tonight at 8:30, adapted from the Noel Coward stage production of the same name.
Treasure Hunt
Aunt Anna Rose
Short of money the owners of Ballyroden Hall must attempt to run it as a guest house, but not everyone is happy about the plan.
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men
Queen Eleanor
Young Robin Hood, in love with Maid Marian, enters an archery contest with his father at the King's palace. On the way home his father is murdered by henchmen of Prince John. Robin takes up the life of an outlaw, gathering together his band of merry men with him in Sherwood Forest, to avenge his father's death and to help the people of the land that Prince John are over taxing.
Duchess of Berwick
Lord Windermere appears to all - including his young wife Margaret - to be the perfect husband. The couple's happy marriage is placed at risk when he starts paying visits to a mysterious beautiful newcomer, Mrs. Erylnne, who is determined to make her entry into London's high society. Worse, the secret gets back to Margaret that Windermere has been giving Mrs. Erylnne large sums of money.
My Sister and I
Mrs. Camelot
A family is in need of a new house help so they employ a mysterious young woman. They soon realise all is not as it seems as the past comes back to haunt the woman of the house.
So Evil My Love
Mrs. Courtney (SR)
In the late 19th century, on board a ship sailing from Jamaica to England, Olivia Harwood, a recent widow, takes on the task of caring for several malaria patients, including Mark Bellis, a mysterious and tormented painter.
Анна Каренина
Princess Betty Tversky
Как передать драму женщины, у которой есть всё — муж, положение в свете, деньги, дети, друзья — а она всё равно несчастлива? На вокзале Анна знакомится с графом Вронским и понимает, чего именно ей не хватало в этой жизни — бурных страстей, красавца-любовника и страха перед разоблачением. Долгое время связь удавалось скрывать, но однажды, на бегах, тайное становится явным… Муж угрожает публичным скандалом, лишением материнских прав и денежными санкциями, Вронский же не может предложить ничего, кроме любви…
Большие надежды
Miss Havisham
В окрестностях Рочестера, старинного городка к юго-востоку от Лондона, жил семилетний мальчик, прозванный Пипом. Он остался без родителей, и воспитывала его взбалмошная старшая сестра. Её мужем был кузнец Джо Гарджери - светловолосый великан, покладистый и простоватый, только он, как мог, защищал Пипа. Однажды серая жизнь Пипа изменилась в корне, и началось это в тот день, когда мальчик столкнулся на кладбище с беглым каторжником. Тот под страхом смерти потребовал принести "жратвы и напильник", чтобы освободиться от кандалов. Скольких усилий стоило парнишке тайком собрать и передать узелок, но именно этот добрый поступок в последствии привел к целой череде удивительных историй и превращений, которые произошли в его жизни…
The Wicked Lady
Cousin Agatha
A married woman finds new thrills as a masked robber on the highways.
Welcome, Mr Washington
Miss Finch
Based on a story by author Noel Streatfeild, the film trells the story of two sisters who are left penniless by their father's sudden death and lease their estate as an airbase to US forces in Britain to help the war effort. Both eventually fall for American servicemen.
The Man in Grey
Miss Patchett
After marrying a dour and disinterested lord for status, a young woman falls in love with a stage actor while her best friend from boarding school enters an affair with her husband.
Sabotage at Sea
Daphne Faber
The captain of a British cargo ship shanghais a group of sabateurs, unaware that the daughter of the ship’s owner is among them.
The Lady from Lisbon
Susan Wellington-Smythe
When she learns that the Nazis have confiscated Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece Mona Lisa, art-loving South American wanna-be spy Tamara (Jane Carr) journeys to Lisbon to snoop for the Germans in return for the iconic painting. But bumbling Nazi agents, Allied counterspies and multiple copies of the artwork soon confound her attempts at espionage.
They Flew Alone
Miss Bland
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
The Seventh Survivor
Mrs. Lindley
During the Second World War, a German spy goes on the run, carrying important news about a U-Boat campaign. The ship he is traveling aboard is hit by a torpedo. The spy winds up on a lifeboat with other survivors, one of whom is a counterintelligence agent who reveals the German spy's true identity.
East of Piccadilly
A series of murders in the West End of London baffle the officers of Scotland Yard and draw the interest of a crime reporter to the case.
Quiet Wedding
Mme. Mirelle
A young couple become engaged, but enjoy a number of comedic aventures before their wedding day.
Freedom Radio
Frau Lehmann the Concierge
Hitler's doctor is gradually realising that the Nazi regime isn't as good as it pretends to be when his friends start to "disappear" into the camps. His wife is courted by the party and accepts a political post in Berlin. Meanwhile Dr Karl decides to try to do something to counteract the Nazi propaganda and with the help of an engineer and a few friends he sets up the Freedom Radio to counteract the Nazi propaganda.
Miss Knowall
Miss Hardcastle
Short government film on the dangers of gossip in wartime.
Miss Grant Goes to the Door
Two sisters encounter a German spy. A public service film showing how to thwart the enemy.
The Middle Watch
Lady Elizabeth Hewett
Through a series of unforeseen events, two glamorous young ladies find that they are obliged to spend the night on board the battleship HMS Falcon, where they have been attending a 'bon voyage' reception. At first it seems that Captain Randall will be able to keep them concealed, but then the Admiral unexpectedly arrives on board and orders the ship to sea.
At the Villa Rose
Helen Vaquier
A gang of clever thieves kill a wealthy woman in hopes of stealing her gems. But the thieves aren't clever enough to ascertain the location of those gems, so they consult a phony spiritualist. Then they decide to dispose of the mystic by framing her for the murder.
A Girl Must Live
Mme. Dupont, assistant
A run-away school-girl falls among chorus girls planning to marry into the nobility.
Old Mother Riley Joins Up
Mother Riley plays a nurse who was forced to volunteer for the Auxiliary Territorial Service. Mayhem ensues until she is able to prevent German spies from acquiring important documents.
Young Man's Fancy
Duchess of Beaumont
An aristocrat falls in love with a human cannonball
До свидания, мистер Чипс
British Tourist on Bicycle (uncredited)
Экранизация произведения Джеймса Хилтона. Действие происходит в одном из городков викторианской Англии, куда приезжает новый учитель - мистер Чипс. На протяжении фильма старый учитель вспоминает свою долгую жизнь и многолетнюю преподавательскую карьеру в школе-интернате для мальчиков. Он выучил несколько поколений ребятишек, помнил всех своих учеников, ставших для него настоящей семьей, а также женитьбу, которая перевернула всю его жизнь… Он немного неуклюж, ученики частенько над ним смеются, но потом проникаются его искренностью и любовью к своему делу. Лейтмотивом картины является разрушительное воздействие войн на британское общество: сюжет охватывает начало франко-прусской войны и заканчивается приходом Гитлера к власти...
The Nursemaid Who Disappeared
An overheard conversation leads to clues that a kidnapping plot is afoot.
Trouble Brewing
Mme Berdi
Ealing comedy starring music hall star George Formby. An eager newspaper reporter (Formby) goes undercover to expose a gang of counterfeiters. Posing as a wrestler and waiter in his investigative efforts, George proves a greater menace to public order than the criminals he is chasing.
Prison Without Bars
Mme. Appel
Suzanne, Renee, Nina and Marta all hate being in prison, being slapped and treated badly, and so all the girls are trying to escape. Madame Appel just causes chaos all the time, with her harsh manners. When Yvonne with her free-thinking ways is put in charge of the school for misbehaving girls, and asks them to tell her their complaints, they don't believe her at first. Yvonne is in love and about to marry the establishment's doctor, and it does not help that one teenage girl falls for him - and is corresponded. It's a hard life for the girls, and for the new female warden.
Second Best Bed
Mrs. Mather
A newly married couple run into difficulty when the wife refuses to obey her husband.
Странные пограничники
Miss Pitter
Довоенный разведчик Томми Блайт прерывает свой медовый месяц, чтобы расследовать обнаружение жизненно важных чертежей министерства авиации на женщину, погибшую в дорожно-транспортном происшествии в Лондоне. Тропа ведет к пансиону в Ноттинг-Хилле и его разнообразным жильцам.
Paradise for Two
Mme. Bernard
A chorus girl is mistaken for a millionaire's girlfriend.
Good Morning, Boys!
Lady Bogshott
Dr. Benjamin Twist (Hay) and his pupils become involved with art thieves on a trip to Paris. Hay’s seamy schoolmaster act is supported by a fine cast including Charles Hawtrey and Lilli Palmer.
The Mill on the Floss
Mrs. Glegg
Romeo and Juliet in 1930s England. The owner of the mill and the local lord are in conflict over water rights. The lord wins threatening the mill owner with financial ruin.
The Professor's Daughter (uncredited)
Саботажник Карл Верлок, скрываясь под маской общительного владельца кинотеатра, проводит серию диверсий в Лондоне. Почувствовав, что находится под наблюдением сыщика Теда Спенсера, он просит мальчика Стиви, младшего брата его жены, доставить на другой конец города сверток. Это бомба с часовым механизмом…
Farewell Again
Adela Swayle
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
Tudor Rose
Jane's Mother
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
The Beloved Vagabond
Lady with lorgnettes
Flying from one charming lady---eluding another---and almost losing both!
Pot Luck
A retired Scotland Yard detective, Patrick Fitzpatrick (Tom Walls) comes back to take one final case, tracking down a missing vase which has been stolen by a gang of thieves specialising in taking art treasures. His investigation takes him to the home of the innocent Mr Pye (Robertson Hare), whose house has been used by the crooks to hide their proceeds.
When Knights Were Bold
Aunt Esther
Happy-go-lucky soldier Guy De Vere must leave India and return to the family seat at Little Twittering, for he has inherited the family title. Sir Guy finds all his relatives to be frozen stuffed shirts... except lovely cousin Rowena, who is mad about knighthood and chivalry. Struck in the head by a falling suit of armor, Guy dreams he and Rowena are back in 1400, as the unabashed farce continues...
King of the Damned
Woman on Plane
Revolt on a prison island is a parable of workers revolution. A cruel and repressive penal colony is the setting for a prison revolt with a special twist...the prisoners want to stay on and govern themselves in a humane and productive working community. Well that's the theory anyway but circumstances make their venture a lot more complicated than that.
First a Girl
Madame Seraphina
First a Girl is a 1935 British comedy film directed by Victor Saville and starring Jessie Matthews. First a Girl was adapted from the 1933 German film Viktor und Viktoria written and directed by Reinhold Schünzel.
Man of the Moment
Lady at Roulette Table
Love blossoms after a young man rescues a pretty girl who attempted to drown herself.
The Case of Gabriel Perry
Mrs. Read
An unstable Victorian doctor murders a woman.
Friday the Thirteenth
Agnes Lightfoot
It is pouring with rain at one minute to midnight on Friday the thirteenth, and the driver of a London bus is peering through his blurred windscreen as his vehicle sails down an empty road. Suddenly, lightning strikes, and a vast crane above topples into the path of the oncoming bus... Then Big Ben begins to wind backwards. Time recedes. And we discover the lives of all the passengers and the events that brought them to that late-night bus journey, from the con-man with a hundred-pound cheque to the businessman's distraught and elderly wife. Time flows on, inevitably, to the crash -- and past it, as some live and some die.
I Was A Spy
Aunt Lucille
During World War I, a young nurse in a hospital in German-occupied Belgium is secretly feeding military information to the British. Complicating matters is the guilt she feels when she has to treat the German casualties inflicted as a result of the information she's passed on, and the fact that the local German commandant is falling in love with her.
Love on Wheels
Piano Demonstrator
A department store assistant becomes publicity conscious.
Service for Ladies
Aline - Countess Ricardi's Maid
Max Tracey is the head waiter at a London hotel. He falls in love at first sight with Sylvia Robertson, an aristocratic woman, and poses as a prince to win her love. In this venture, he is aided by Mr. Westlake, a Ruritanian monarch who owes him a favour. When Sylvia discovers Max's deception, she is appalled, but the situation is resolved when her father tells her that he was once a hotel dishwasher.