Aaron Wolf

Aaron Wolf


Aaron Wolf is a director, actor, writer, and co-founder of Howling Wolf Productions.


Aaron Wolf


Zach Greenwood
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
Executive Producer
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
Restoring Tomorrow
In these divided times, religious institutions are losing young members and even closing their doors at an alarming rate. Director Aaron Wolf's personal journey of rediscovery comes alive in Restoring Tomorrow, a universal story of hope as a treasured local temple near demise, is lifted up by a community's determination to achieve the impossible. Wolf's journey explores how when any community puts their mind to it, the impossible becomes possible. Wilshire Boulevard Temple, a Los Angeles treasure built by the original Hollywood moguls, needs to raise millions to restore its majesty and vibrancy, thus also restoring the future of the Jewish community, the greater Los Angeles community-and on a personal level, Wolf himself.
The Pegasus Project
The Pegasus Project
The Pegasus Project
The Quitter
Co-Executive Producer
When a failed baseball player's ex-girlfriend moves back to the neighborhood with her seven-year-old daughter, he realizes he carries more regrets than how he handled his baseball career.
The Quitter
Ben The Heat
When a failed baseball player's ex-girlfriend moves back to the neighborhood with her seven-year-old daughter, he realizes he carries more regrets than how he handled his baseball career.
Улетный транспорт
Key Production Assistant
После гибели собаки во время неудачного перелета главный герой по имени Нашаун Даквон подал иск на авиакомпанию. Выиграв в суде 600 миллионов долларов, этим гигантским состоянием он распорядился самым неожиданным образом — открыл собственную авиалинию под названием NWA. По идее Даквона, и клиентами, и персоналом его компании должны стать исключительно афро-американцы. Но когда на борту одного из его самолетов по ошибке оказалась белая семейка чудаков Ханки, весь бизнес пошел наперекосяк…
Дом вверх дном
Production Assistant
Немолодой одинокий мужчина знакомится с женщиной через Интернет и назначает ей свидание. Откуда ему знать, что вместо милой застенчивой красавицы он столкнётся с пышнотелой, грубой и невоспитанной афроамериканкой, к тому же сбежавшей из тюрьмы, а сейчас явно собирающейся перевернуть его налаженную, размеренную жизнь верх дном…