Álvaro Zapata


Византийская принцесса
Executive Producer
Византия, XV век, турецкие войска взяли Константинополь. В качестве мирного договора Великий султан Турции Мухаммед II просит руки Карменсины — дочери византийского императора. Гордый правитель Византии не хочет отдавать в руки врага и дочь, и столицу своей империи. Но выбор неизбежен. Его лучший полководец Тирант, сгорающий от страсти к красавице Карменсине, бросает вызов несметным полчищам турков. Но волнует его не исход великой битвы, а взятие неприступного сердца прекрасной и непорочной дочери императора.
The Witch Affair
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
El florido pensil
"El Florido Pensil" is a humorous reflection of the education of several generations of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s. Based on the book of the same name by Andrés Sopeña, it evokes, from the present, his memories of that time: everyday school, local radio, Roberto Alcázar's comics, Thursday cinema with Franco opening swamps and "Yon Güein" chasing and killing Indians. Through the childish eyes of a child Sopeña (Daniel Rubio) and his schoolmates, we discover a way of understanding the world, society and a Spain "of glories and flowery pensil", as the national anthem of those years used to sing.