The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in front of the camera - either making movies or filling the newsreels and gossip magazines. Tragically he was dead from the effects of drugs and alcohol by the time he was only 50 & the myths live on. But there is another side of Flynn that is less well known - his ambitions to be a serious writer and newspaper correspondent, his documentary films and his interest in the Spanish Civil War and Castro's Cuba
Декабрьские мальчики — компания четырёх юных сирот, рождённых в декабре. С каждым годом их надежды быть усыновлёными тают на глазах. Но однажды во время отпуска у четырёх друзей появляется надежда найти приёмных родителей, но только для одного из них. Мальчики подружились с молодой парой, неспособной иметь детей и готовой принять ребёнка. Конкурируя между собой, сироты проверяют свою дружбу и встречают первую любовь.
Original Music Composer
Психолог-криминалист Салли Роу должна решить, достаточно ли улик для обвинения в убийстве 17-летнего Алекса Форбса, выстрелом оборвавшего жизнь своего одноклассника Найджела. Салли приходится нелегко: «крутой» отец Алекса давит на следствие изо всех сил. Но, как выясняется, дело не только в отце мальчика: даже погибший, Найджел оказывает на Алекса странное, поистине гипнотическое воздействие…
Original Music Composer
Four teenagers with the end of school on the horizon head up the New South Wales coast for a weekend of surfing,drinking and sex.The boys have told their parents they are going alone.It's only when the stranger appears and weird time anomalies occur on the beach and in the camp that they start thinking.Admittedly the premise of "Lost Things" is quite interesting,but hardly original.The film actually in many ways reminded me "Dead End".The acting is sub-par,but I must applaud the excellent work of cinematographer.The lonely beach indeed looks creepy and atmospheric and such details like the mannequin buried in the sand put the smile on my face.The climax is satisfying of itself,but is undermined by too many unanswered questions.Give it a look,however if you want to see seriously eerie horror flick that will make you think afterwards rent or buy "Session 9".6 out of 10.
An adult's memoir of a childhood spent with his mother and two sisters in Australia in the closing year of WWII. While his father off fighting the Japanese, two Italian prisoners of war are assigned to help out on the family's estate. Later they are joined by two German refugee women. Problems of country life and personal tensions come to a head.