William Conrad

William Conrad


William Conrad
William Conrad


They're Always Watching You
They're always watching you. Humanity has only resided on Earth for a fraction of the planet's incredibly long history, and many believe that a species known as the Krepid vastly predate humankind - and are still with us today. The Krepid need to consume us to survive, but most believe they also enjoy the hunt. Join us as we explore the terrifying, secret world of the Krepid.
They're Always Watching You
They're always watching you. Humanity has only resided on Earth for a fraction of the planet's incredibly long history, and many believe that a species known as the Krepid vastly predate humankind - and are still with us today. The Krepid need to consume us to survive, but most believe they also enjoy the hunt. Join us as we explore the terrifying, secret world of the Krepid.
They're Always Watching You
They're always watching you. Humanity has only resided on Earth for a fraction of the planet's incredibly long history, and many believe that a species known as the Krepid vastly predate humankind - and are still with us today. The Krepid need to consume us to survive, but most believe they also enjoy the hunt. Join us as we explore the terrifying, secret world of the Krepid.
The Past Tense
James Moore is on the verge of a breakthrough, time travel. But time travel doesn't come cheap, and the bank won't help - so James turns to loan shark Rooney Wagner for help. Now, Rooney wants his money and there's none to give.
The Past Tense
James Moore is on the verge of a breakthrough, time travel. But time travel doesn't come cheap, and the bank won't help - so James turns to loan shark Rooney Wagner for help. Now, Rooney wants his money and there's none to give.
The Past Tense
James Moore
James Moore is on the verge of a breakthrough, time travel. But time travel doesn't come cheap, and the bank won't help - so James turns to loan shark Rooney Wagner for help. Now, Rooney wants his money and there's none to give.
Editorial Services
Когда в городке Дерри, штат Мэн, начинают пропадать дети, несколько ребят сталкиваются со своими величайшими страхами и вынуждены помериться силами со злобным клоуном Пеннивайзом, чьи проявления жестокости и список жертв уходят в глубь веков.
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Sound Editor
Частный детектив Эдвард Карнби — специалист по паранормальным явлениям, пытаясь найти истинную причину смерти своего друга, сталкивается со множеством необъяснимых загадок. Расследование приводит детектива на «Остров Теней», где Карнби оказывается перед лицом смертельной опасности, грозящей не только ему, но и всему миру.