Lio Mehiel


In the Summers
On a journey that spans the formative years of their lives, two sisters navigate their loving but volatile father during their yearly summer visits to his home in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Smoking Kills
A casual late-night Tinder date turns macabre when Trey asks Olivia to stop smoking. Fueled by addiction, a desire to dominate, and the dissociative drug GHB, Olivia decides to prove that smoking does, indeed, kill.
Малышка Руби
История Джо, успешной предпринимательницы, которая счастливо беременна и ожидает появления своего первенца. Но вскоре после того, как Джо приветствует малышку Руби дома, все меняется, хотя она уверена, что все совершенно нормально.
Over the course of a single hectic day in New York City, three people from Feña's past are thrust back into his life: his foreign father, his straight ex-boyfriend, and his 13-year old half-sister. Having lost touch since transitioning from female to male, Feña must navigate the new dynamics of these old relationships while tackling the day-to-day challenges that come with living a life in-between.
Дорогой Эван Хансен
''You Will Be Found'' Performer
Эван Хансен — старшеклассник, страдающий социофобией, поэтому у него нет друзей. Чтобы справиться с болезнью, он по совету врача пишет самому себе письмо, которое попадает в руки другого школьника, Коннора. А через несколько дней Эван узнает, что Коннор покончил жизнь самоубийством.
You Don’t Have To Thank Me
Two queer exes reunite at a party.
You Don’t Have To Thank Me
Two queer exes reunite at a party.
Girl Talk
A contemporary tale set in an urban, queer community that follows Mia as she explores emotional and physical intimacy.
As a couple moves in together, full of hope and worry, their day is unexpectedly interrupted by the ghosts of former relationships.
A young, gender-queer person returns home to find his family has left, and the house has been sold. Perhaps they would still be there if he had come home as the Jane they all know.