Daniel Travis


По настоянию подруги изнасилованная девушка обращается к колдунье, чтобы та помогла ей отомстить. В глубине души она не верит в магию, но ведьма действительно вызывает древнего демона мести, отделаться от которого — большая проблема.
Child's Play
A family awakens to find themselves trapped in their own home, all windows and doors sealed by impenetrable walls.
And the Wall Came Tumbling Down
Casting Director
Workmen digging in a building discover the remains of a 300-+year-old devil cult.
Good-bye Cruel World
The story involves newscaster Rodney Pointsetter (Shawn) who is so depressed between his job and his family that he tries to make a film about his life, which he intends to culminate with his own suicide. It is often interrupted with irrelevant comic sketches that an emcee claims that the audience prefers to see.