The Journey is the story of a father and daughter reunion. From Montreal’s airport, they will travel along a chaotic path, where their inability to find each other will unveil a complicated relationship and have them drift from their initial course.
22-летнего Доминика ничто так не возбуждает, как собственное отражение. Большую часть времени он проводит, делая полароидные селфи. Когда его бабушка умирает, ему открывается семейная тайна: его мать-лесбиянка не умерла при родах, а также у него есть брат-близнец, воспитанный в далеком монастыре развратным священником. Судьба сводит вместе двух братьев, которые, воссоединившись со своей матерью Беатрис, оказываются втянутыми в паутину секса, мести и искупления.
Montreal 1992 —Estranged from his cancer-stricken mother, Stan, a quixotic 19-year-old, dons a disguise and joins a therapy workshop for disfigured patients in a misguided attempt to reconnect with her.
When we are young, we sometimes feel that the world is stacked against us. This is the case for 16 year-old Steeve Simard (Lévi Doré), who is entering his last year at Gaston-Miron High School in St-Lambert. A cynical intellectual with a critical view of himself and the world, he struggles to establish bonds with his parents and peers. He only has one friend: Virgil (Jonathan St-Armand). In order to evade his loneliness and fill a void in his imagination, he seeks refuge in his books and music. However, an incident with the star of the Spartans football team, will force Steeve to come out of his shell and face his destiny…
A clever boy designs a creative ploy to protect his little sister from repeated monster attacks.