Simone Frattari


Tutto per mio figlio
Иначе мы рассердимся
Creative Producer
Мафиози мелкого итальянского городка решает выгнать небольшой местный цирк с насиженного места, чтобы начать там застройку. Но на свою беду он переходит дорогу двум братьям, когда решает попутно украсть дюна-багги их покойного отца, с которым связаны милые их сердцам воспоминания.
Voce del verbo amore
First Assistant Director
Ugo and Francesca have been married for ten years, but mutually decide to break up in a graceful way. They start singles' life again, having to deal with their children, their jobs and social relationships alone. They even both start seeing someone else, until jealousy arises. Perhaps their love is not over yet...
Something to Believe In
Assistant Director
Reports of a weeping Madonna in Italy reach Las Vegas, where blackjack dealer Maggie has just learnt she has only weeks to live. With a massive leap of faith she convinces herself that seeing the Madonna with her own eyes could lead to her salvation, and travels to Europe to find it. Hitching through Italy, she meets pianist Mike, who is also en route to what he believes could be a life-changing event - a performance at the Barbarina concert in Naples.