Yu Li

Yu Li

Рождение : 1983-03-16, Shandong, China


Yu Li


The Departure
A dancer suffering from cancer, an elderly dementia patient whose memory remains 30 years ago, a 13-year-old rebellious girl who has a relationship with her stepmother, and an island teacher who lost her child unexpectedly, they meet in Manchuria Shandao met unexpectedly and experienced a series of joys and sorrows, and finally understood that everyone must face their own difficulties.
Царь обезьян: Бездонная яма
Sha Sen
Another "Journey to the West" story about series of love entanglements that occurred after Tang Seng met the rat spirit in the Bottomless Pit.
Forensic Medicine Song Ci 2: The Four Deadly Sins
Huang Shida
On Your Mark
Teacher Zhang
Xiao Erdong, a young man with a congenital disease but a "marathon dream", Xiao Daming, a taxi driver who stubbornly forced his son to preview the "life of the blind", father and son who do not understand each other, But in a marathon, they "exchanged identities" and stood side by side on the starting line
Bear Kid
Zhang Facai
Every day extracurricular classes and tutoring classes make Xia Shiyuan in the third grade overwhelmed. After a big fight with her mother, Xia Shiyuan runs away from home. Afterwards, she meets a kind homeless man. With the help of the homeless man, she understands her parents Love her, go back home and communicate with her mother, and her mother promises not to force her again.
Тайна печати Дракона
The Treasurer
Английский путешественник Джонатан Грин получает от Петра Первого заказ на изготовление карт Дальнего Востока России. Ему вновь предстоит долгий путь, полный невероятных приключений, который приведет его в Китай. Картограф столкнется с массой головокружительных открытий, неожиданных встреч с диковинными существами, китайскими принцессами, мастерами смертоносных боевых искусств и самим Лун-Ван, Царем всех драконов. Что может быть опаснее, чем посмотреть в глаза Вию? Разве что встретиться с ним вновь. Что на этот раз окажется сильнее — непоколебимый скептицизм ученого или древняя черная магия, уже давно захватившая власть в Восточных землях?
Wu Jiu
Mysterious and bizarre crime comedy
I’ll Complete For The Top
Niu Qiandong
World Cup of Assassin
Wang Batian
Scandal Maker
The Director
Scandal Maker is a 2016 Chinese comedy-drama film directed by Ahn Byeong-ki, starring Tong Dawei and Michelle Chen and a remake of the 2008 South Korean film Scandal Makers.
Расхитители времени
Тайное общество расхитителей гробниц "Девять Семей" многие столетия заняты своим ремеслом. У Се, молодой наследник торговой династии У, с детства был очарован древними артефактами и мечтал о приключениях. В руки У Се попадает ключ к гробнице древнего мастера Железной Маски. У Се отправляется в пустыню Гоби в поисках мифической страны Тамуто и скрытого города Змеиной Царицы.
Chang Chen Ghost Stories
Music store owner
Chang Chen Ghost Stories is a 2016 Chinese romance horror thriller film directed by Zhan Yue.
Memento Mori
Brother Ji
After an accident, Daming can't remember what happened last night. Back home, he discovers in his closet the dead body of Gao Yan. Who killed this man hated by so many people included Daming himself?
In the near future, due to a huge demand for protein, scientists have developed a synthetic alternative that has rapidly spread around the world. Jams is a brilliant but fanatic geneticist and has managed to raise super bugs that can provide high-quality protein at a low cost. However, the reproduction of the bugs goes out of control, and they break out of the tubes, devour scientists, and turn into giant monsters. These monster bugs are hankering after flesh and blood and swarm into the sea, waiting to rage a holocaust.
Yellow River Aria
Bai Mao
Looking for a successor to his leadership of a Lao Qiang shaddow puppet theatre places Shao in a dilemma; only sons with blood ties can become apprentices.
Story of People Searching Cola Lee
Liu Yiben
Hotel Manager
Meng Yun, a former womanizer, meets and falls in love with Xia Lu and they become a couple. Their exes, however, have different ideas.
Legend of the Swordsman
A village is often troubled by a group of bandits on horseback, and the villagers send the teacher Fan Jian (Law Kar Ying) to the city to hire swordsmen to protect the village, but unfortunately, due to insufficient funds, he gets snubbed everywhere, failing to hire any professional swordsman. By chance, he runs into a braggart Beggar Su (Shi Xiao Long), who somehow becomes Fan Jian's lifeline by a twist of fate. Beside the braggart are two other unreliable blademasters who are hired as well...
Док Кихот
Hero F
Дон Кихот - фильм китайского и гонконгского фильма 2010 года режиссера Ахана, основанный на романе Мигеля де Сервантеса 17-го века. Это было продвинуто как первый полностью трехмерный фильм в Китае.
Visitors From the Sui Dynasty
Nu Chuchu / 牛楚楚
When the dissolute last emperor of the Sui Dynasty tries to hold an empire-wide beauty contest, a corrupt official takes advantage of the opportunity to divert money into his own coffers and steals the winner of the contest, Yingying, for himself. Yingying’s admirer, both caught up in the plot, flee for their lives, but fall into an ice cave and are quick-frozen — until a thousand years later, when the ice melts and the two men awake to find themselves in 21st-Century Beijing ..
Panda Express
Troupe Chief
Comedy about a dancing pandas cabaret act.
Almost Perfect