Stephanie Saathoff


19-летняя Линнея решает покинуть родной шведский городок и переехать в Лос-Анджелес. Там она намеревается сменить имя и стать порно-звездой. Но ее путь к успеху оказывается не таким, как она предполагала.
Bitch Please
First Assistant Camera
Charlie is in love with Brie. Or is he?
Native Stand Up
Second Assistant Camera
John performs stand-up comedy for the first time. It actually goes pretty okay.
Second Assistant Camera
Three college students, Phil, Ed, and Henry take a road trip into Mexico for a week of drinking and carefree fun only to have Phil find himself a captive of a group of satanic Mexican drug smugglers who kill tourists and whom are looking for a group of new ones to prepare for a sacrifice.