Storyboard Artist
When sea monsters attack Los Angeles, an underground network of sushi chefs honor an ancient code to maintain balance between man and the sea, by killing only what they eat, and eating all that they kill.
Storyboard Artist
Молния Маккуин и его друг Мэтр в новом высокооктановом приключении. Начинается самая важная и престижная в мире гонка, Мировой Гран-При, в котором будет определен самый классный гонщик из всех категорий — Формула-1, NASCAR, Le Mans. Маккуину предстоит соревноваться с лучшими из лучших, на самых красивых и опасных трассах Японии, Франции и Италии. Но главное — Молния еще не знает, что они с Мэтром окажутся в самом сердце запутанного и головокружительного шпионского заговора.
Story Artist
Париж! Рай для гурмана — лучшая еда, лучшие рестораны, лучшие повара! Реми мечтает стать одним из них — величайшим поваром столицы мировой кулинарии. У Реми есть для этого все — идеальный нюх и вкус, знание лучших рецептов и невероятные способности к импровизации. Есть только одна проблема... Реми — крыса. Родственники Реми, корят его за предательство традиций крысиного племени, а хозяин ресторана — повар по имени Живодэр — старается извести. Только поваренок Лингвини, который подружился с Реми, разделяет его склонность к несбыточным мечтам.
This is a brief animated piece featuring the titular character in a fight ostensibly from a superhero serial of the mid 1940’s. The episode shown is Chapter 13 The Bosom of Terror. In it, Rex and his plucky assistant Penny must journey to South America to stop the evil genius Eval Schnitzler and his henchwoman Greta Schultz from boring into an active volcano and releasing the hot magma energy. The drill is hidden inside a temple located in the mountains. The interior of the temple is lined with bizarre statues of Indian women. Rex and Penny crash in the jungle and while Penny repairs the plane, Rex investigates.
This is a brief animated piece featuring the titular character in a fight ostensibly from a superhero serial of the mid 1940’s. The episode shown is Chapter 13 The Bosom of Terror. In it, Rex and his plucky assistant Penny must journey to South America to stop the evil genius Eval Schnitzler and his henchwoman Greta Schultz from boring into an active volcano and releasing the hot magma energy. The drill is hidden inside a temple located in the mountains. The interior of the temple is lined with bizarre statues of Indian women. Rex and Penny crash in the jungle and while Penny repairs the plane, Rex investigates.
This is a brief animated piece featuring the titular character in a fight ostensibly from a superhero serial of the mid 1940’s. The episode shown is Chapter 13 The Bosom of Terror. In it, Rex and his plucky assistant Penny must journey to South America to stop the evil genius Eval Schnitzler and his henchwoman Greta Schultz from boring into an active volcano and releasing the hot magma energy. The drill is hidden inside a temple located in the mountains. The interior of the temple is lined with bizarre statues of Indian women. Rex and Penny crash in the jungle and while Penny repairs the plane, Rex investigates.
This is a brief animated piece featuring the titular character in a fight ostensibly from a superhero serial of the mid 1940’s. The episode shown is Chapter 13 The Bosom of Terror. In it, Rex and his plucky assistant Penny must journey to South America to stop the evil genius Eval Schnitzler and his henchwoman Greta Schultz from boring into an active volcano and releasing the hot magma energy. The drill is hidden inside a temple located in the mountains. The interior of the temple is lined with bizarre statues of Indian women. Rex and Penny crash in the jungle and while Penny repairs the plane, Rex investigates.