Pratap Dave


Amar and Rekha fall in love, but their happiness is endangered when Rekha discovers that she was already married as a child.
Dr. Gautamdas (Rajinder Kumar) attains his qualifications in London, England, and with the blessings of Lord Bertrand Russell (himself), returns to his home country and his dad (Balraj Sahni). Much to the disappointment of his dad, Dr. Gautamdas decides to re-locate to Japan, which has been devastated by the explosion of atom bombs on two of it's cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There he meets with other doctors, and is given a tour of the patients and their families, and other survivors (Om Prakash, Chand Usmani, Baby Kavita). {Graphic scenes of the atrocities inflicted on innocent people} On a chance meeting with the beautiful Meloda (Saira Banu) he knows that they are destined to be one, and so does she. Meloda's dad is also a doctor (Chetan Anand). Meloda had studied in India and speaks Hindi fluently. Both fall in love amongst the splendour of Japan.
Having been unjustly accused of having an affair, a dutiful and loving wife is thrown out of the house by her husband and forced to abandon her baby. When mother and child are eventually reunited, the mother faces an uphill struggle to regain the love of her daughter.
Новый Дели
В Нью-Дели приезжает молодой человек - Ананд, родом из Пенджаба (северо-запад Индии). Он долго ходит по городу в поисках комнаты, но никто не хочет принять к себе пенджабца. Один желает, чтобы его квартирант был бенгалец, другой - гуджаратец, третий - мадрасец. Совсем было отчаявшемуся Ананду один из его приятелей дает совет - выдать себя за мадрасца. Ананд переодевается, говорит, что он - уроженец Мадраса, и тут же находит себе комнату.
After a seven year absence, Dr. Ram Singh returns to his village intending to sell his land and go back to the city. He finds that the peasants are being mistreated by the local landlord and the landlord's sister, Sushma.
Байджу Бавра
Фильм поставлен по мотивам старинной индийской легенды, героями которой являются известный в XVI веке придворный певец и музыкант Индии Тансен и народный певец Байджу. Об их творчестве, о благотворном влиянии музыки на людей, о чистой и нежной любви Байджу к Гоури, об их трагической гибели рассказывает эта картина.