Lynne Seymour


Roll over Beethoven: The Chess Records Saga
Chicago's Chess Records was one of the greatest labels of the post-war era, ranking alongside other mighty independents like Atlantic, Stax and Sun. From 1950 till its demise at the end of the 60s, Chess released a myriad of electric blues, rock 'n' roll and soul classics that helped change the landscape of black and white popular music. Chess was the label that gave the world such sonic adventurers as Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf and Etta James. In this BBC 4 documentary to mark the label's 60th anniversary, the likes of Jimmy Page, Mick Hucknall, Public Enemy's Chuck D, Paul Jones and Little Steven, as well as those attached to the label such as founder's son Marshall Chess, pay tribute to its extraordinary music and influence.
10 Best Elgar
A line up of star performers celebrate the very best of Edward Elgar's music in the 150th anniversary year of his birth.
В отрыв!
Возрадуйтесь страждущие, ибо пробил ваш час! Пришла святая пятница, вечером которой рай распахнет для вас свои двери! В этот день величественный и прекрасный уик-энд триумфально раздавит серые и тусклые будни. Оглушительная музыка ворвется под кожу, проткнет вас своим ритмом, словно шприцем, навсегда избавив тело от усталости.Особые таблетки взорвут голову и вознесут ее в заоблачные дали. Пьянящий дым заполнит легкие, остановив время и превратив его в бесконечный сладкий кайф. И тогда на лбу у утопающего в веселье мира, запылает яркая татуировка: «Музыка, наркотики и секс!».
Something real
Reydon, a young man who spends his days playing 'Battle' in a perfect, utopian society, realises that he has grown tired of his faultless lifestyle and wants to find something more meaningful to achieve. However, his friend, the robot Kasta, has other ideas and tries to persuade him otherwise.