Clara König


Home Is Where the Scars Are From
Production Manager
Andi shares a deserted building with a group of fellow-squatters he considers his family. One day his sister turns up unexpectedly with her small son Levi, seeking refuge from her abusive boyfriend; she has nowhere else to turn. So Andi suddenly finds himself in the role of uncle, the squat is transformed into an alternative kindergarten, and the estranged pair become the siblings they once were.
Heart It Races
When her boyfriend Benni leaves her, Magda is left to live alone in their old apartment. With his departure, his hobby of driving a motorcycle also vanishes from her life. Still clinging to what they once had, Magda enrolls in a motorcycle driving course, but the first few driving hours turn out to be more difficult than expected. When Magda realizes that Benni has already moved on from their relationship, she has to make a decision: Will she throw in the towel or learn to drive on her own?
During the organization of their mother’s funeral, two estranged sisters with completely different personalities are forced to face each other once again. They will have to confront their differences, as well as their relationship.
Извините, я ищу комнату для пинг-понга и свою девушку
Во время отдыха в шикарном спа-отеле молодые люди ссорятся. Девушка хлопает дверью и уходит. Молодой человек не слишком настойчиво пытается выяснить, куда она пропала и вернется ли вообще. В причудливом мире альпийского курорта он начнет новую главу своей жизни.