Henricus Pria


No One Is Crazy in This Town
A hotel owner orders Marwan and his team to remove the mentally ill people from the streets, and cast them into the forest so as not to disturb his guests. However, Marwan has another plan.
Rest in Peace
First Assistant Director
Santoso and Wati are in grief for Agung, their only son, suddenly died. It leads Santoso into unfavorable circumstances while he gets around to preparing for the funeral.
От всего сердца, ваш верный пёс
Перед тем, как уехать учиться заграницу, Ян устраивает прощальную вечеринку. Среди гостей оказывается Ингрид, девушка, в которую он давно и безответно влюблен. Будучи олафактофилом, Ян хочет попросить Ингрид оставить ему в качестве прощального подарка свой запах.
Dry Season in My House
Dancing in the rain. A woman surprises a man with a sensual dance in the wrong season. She made the rain, but the dancing comes by itself. An independent dance by a very independent woman. The dancing is not like the Indonesian tradition, but who else but an Indonesian woman can dance like that?