Pilar Palomero

Рождение : 1980-05-31, Saragozza, Spagna


La maternal
At the age of 14, Carla is a wild and rebellious teenager. Living in a modest restaurant on the outskirts of a town with her young single mother, she skips school and passes the time with her friend Efraín. When a social worker realizes that Carla is five months pregnant, she is taken to ‘La Maternal’, a center for teenage mothers, to live with other young women like herself. Together with their babies, they will learn to cope with this new adult life for which they had no time to prepare.
La maternal
At the age of 14, Carla is a wild and rebellious teenager. Living in a modest restaurant on the outskirts of a town with her young single mother, she skips school and passes the time with her friend Efraín. When a social worker realizes that Carla is five months pregnant, she is taken to ‘La Maternal’, a center for teenage mothers, to live with other young women like herself. Together with their babies, they will learn to cope with this new adult life for which they had no time to prepare.
Letters From the Ends of the World
A world in lock-down. As a global pandemic unfolds, 13 international filmmakers pen cinematic letters from their places of isolation, whether home or far from home. A work of accidental science-fiction from the Bistrik7 collective, graduates of Béla Tarr's Sarajevo film.factory.
While We Were Here
Briefly depicted fragments from the characters' lives, through summer and winter, as each of them suffers a loss. Cinematic meditation on inevitable loss.
Prodded by the rebellious Brisa, puberty is awakening in twelve-year-old Celia. Quickly, the two become allies against the rigid rules of authority in the Catholic girls’ school. However, questions about the right bra, cool bands and sexy clothing cannot hide the urgent search for their own identity.
Prodded by the rebellious Brisa, puberty is awakening in twelve-year-old Celia. Quickly, the two become allies against the rigid rules of authority in the Catholic girls’ school. However, questions about the right bra, cool bands and sexy clothing cannot hide the urgent search for their own identity.
В 1934 году во время войны между Боливией и Парагваем группа боливийских солдат из индейских племён оказывается отрезана от основных войск. Чтобы выжить им необходимо пройти по пустынным бесплодным землям, теряя собратьев не только от вражеских пуль, но и от истощения и обезвоживания.
Horta is the experimentation of the passage of time in oneself and the honest expression of a loss.
Horta is the experimentation of the passage of time in oneself and the honest expression of a loss.
Winter Sun
Nana, a 80-year-old lady, needs a surgery. She and her husband, Dedo, had to leave their home in the small village of Hrsa and move temporarilly to Sarajevo in order to wait for the operation.
Winter Sun
Nana, a 80-year-old lady, needs a surgery. She and her husband, Dedo, had to leave their home in the small village of Hrsa and move temporarilly to Sarajevo in order to wait for the operation.
The Night of All Things
Joana, seven years old, waits for her mother to recover from an illness. She wiles away the hours in her grandfather’s warehouse of antiques.
The Night of All Things
Joana, seven years old, waits for her mother to recover from an illness. She wiles away the hours in her grandfather’s warehouse of antiques.
Agenda 1958 (con anotaciones de 1960 y 65)