Derege Harding

Derege Harding


Derege Harding


Same Difference
Executive Producer
As Tonya Keating grapples with the innate knowledge that her death is imminent, she is compelled to let go of the past and reconcile with her estranged twin sister.
Same Difference
As Tonya Keating grapples with the innate knowledge that her death is imminent, she is compelled to let go of the past and reconcile with her estranged twin sister.
Same Difference
As Tonya Keating grapples with the innate knowledge that her death is imminent, she is compelled to let go of the past and reconcile with her estranged twin sister.
Same Difference
As Tonya Keating grapples with the innate knowledge that her death is imminent, she is compelled to let go of the past and reconcile with her estranged twin sister.
Train Conductor
Эллиотт Мур (Марк Уолберг), преподаватель биологии из Филадельфии, одновременно с миллионами соотечественников узнаёт странную и трагическую новость — о коллективных самоубийствах жителей Нью-Йорка. Постепенно выясняется, что под угрозу распространения явления попали практически все города и даже небольшие населённые пункты Восточного побережья США. Вместе с молодой женой Альмой (Зоуи Дэшенел), другом и коллегой Джулианом (Джон Легуизамо), а также его двенадцатилетней дочкой Джесс (Эшлин Санчес) Эллиотт решает укрыться в безлюдной местности, лихорадочно пытаясь понять, какова природа происходящего и что может их спасти?
First Date, Last Date
First Date, Last Date is a drama about finding your soul mate at the worst possible time - the end of the world. Sara and Michael are on their first date when all hell breaks loose. One would think they would be terrified as it unfolds just outside their window but they both decide to suppress their fear and continue with the date as the world crumbles around them...