Pierre Selvini


Vidéo tutoriel bondage
В мире, где цифровые технологи плотно вплелись в нашу жизнь, не каждый может найти себя. Сатирическая комедия рассказывает о судьбах тех, на кого так или иначе повлияли социальные сети и прочие прелести современного мира.
Anuktatop: The Metamorphosis
Down on the banks of the Maroni River, little Derreck dreams of heroic warriors. He’s a member of the Wayana tribe in French Guyana. In this film, Derreck is not our only portal into another world. His sister Sylvana also dreams – of an impossible love, who belongs to a different tribe. Their grandmother Malilou takes us back to her youth in the 1950s. It seems that everyone wanders off now and again into a parallel, at times almost ghostly world. Whereas the youngest members of the tribe can still lose themselves in boundless flights of fantasy, the older generation contemplates more existential questions. How do dreams of the future relate to identity? What makes you a real Wayana?
Anuktatop: The Metamorphosis
Down on the banks of the Maroni River, little Derreck dreams of heroic warriors. He’s a member of the Wayana tribe in French Guyana. In this film, Derreck is not our only portal into another world. His sister Sylvana also dreams – of an impossible love, who belongs to a different tribe. Their grandmother Malilou takes us back to her youth in the 1950s. It seems that everyone wanders off now and again into a parallel, at times almost ghostly world. Whereas the youngest members of the tribe can still lose themselves in boundless flights of fantasy, the older generation contemplates more existential questions. How do dreams of the future relate to identity? What makes you a real Wayana?