Wang Xiaolong


Ouchi Secret Agent
owner of Chaos Shop
Seventh year of the reign of Emperor Wangli from Ming Dynasty. Nobles from the ancient city of Yuyang conspired to join forces with foreigners to usurp the throne. And only a petty gangster Lan Yu is able to save the ruler.
Escape of Shark
An island resort with stunning scenery is struck by a sudden tsunami, and along with it, a giant shark! The shark and the frightened tourists are about to face each other in a duel to the death!
The Angry Buddha
In Guicheng, a small town in the northwest, Dagui and Yiping were good friends who grew up together. They used to pursue the childhood sweetheart Chunlan together.
Правосудие на северо-западе
Lai Ji
Где-то в северо-западной провинции женщина-полицейский, расследуя дело о контрабанде, преследует подозреваемого и получает травму головы, в результате чего теряет способность ощущать вкус еды. Позже она столкнётся с подозрительным хозяином закусочной.
Zombie Beauty
After a hundred years of love, Wang Xueqin (Zhang Yaxi), who died in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, was resurrected through the psychic jade after a hundred years of inferiority. The innocence of the nervous big Zhang Xiao Orange (Wu Tong ornaments) slowly The melting of Wang Xueqin, an inexplicable sentiment poured into my heart... It turned out to be contrary to the wish. The appearance of Dajinlong cut off two people. In order to save Zhang Xiaoli, Wang Xueqin raised the spirit of jade.
Детектив из Чайнатауна
Провалившего вступительный экзамен в полицейскую академию молодого человека отправляют к родне в Бангкок. Очень скоро родственники оказываются в процессе расследования настоящего преступления.