Takeo Itô


The Third Ninja
Director of Photography
Three Iga ninja are on a hunt for Chidoken, a Takeda ninja sent out to assasinate Lord Nobunaga.
Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyes
Director of Photography
A wave of terror is threatening to unseat Shogun Yoshimune. Police stations are erupting into flames, convicts escaping from prison, houses robbed and vandalized, streets teeming with panicked citizens. Is Ijyuin Tanomo, highly-placed official of Owari clan, secretly using deadly ninja to foment riot and rebellion? Narumiya Shinbei, a lone samurai spy adept at ninjutsu must uncover the hidden hand orchestrating these shocking crimes. Shinbei enlists a small band of dedicated ninja to lay siege to the enemy’s stronghold, where his own sister works as an undercover agent. Now, ninja must fight ninja in a last desperate battle to save the shogunate.
Bloody Record of the Shinsengumi
Director of Photography
Five Ronins
Director of Photography
The story of five easygoing Yakuza who come together to save the live of a young innocent girl, Oichi, from an evil vassal.
The Paper Crane
Director of Photography
A wandering vagrant, Hantaro, risks his life to save a beautiful blind girl and her father from con artists.
Lion Festival of Echigo
Director of Photography
The Bandits
Director of Photography
Friendship between an ambitious young thief and an artist during the Warring States period.
Sakura Official
Director of Photography
As Japan’s Tokugawa shogunate nears the end of its rule, Edo North Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan is called upon to judge the most difficult case of his career. In a masterfully woven tale, he has to face the truth about his estranged father’s possible involvement in a nefarious plot to take over rule of the Hizen Shimabara clan by assassinating the rightful lord, his son, and install one of Shogun Ienari’s offspring as daimyo.
Young Lord and Second Son
Director of Photography
A lord explores the lives of common people.
The Cave of the Vampire Bats
Director of Photography
A maiden is murdered by a mysterious ninja, unfortunately two young ladies witness this, good thing the bored Lord is walking by, he saved the girls but was too late to save the maiden, quickly he finds himself mixed up in a mystery of murdered maidens, an unknown ninja clan, attempted assassinations towards himself and a cursed vampire bat cave, can the bored Lord solve this puzzle before maidens lose their lives?
Festival of Swordsmen
Director of Photography
During the middle of the Kanei Period (1624-1644) Japan was in the early stages of its most peaceful era. This left a large number of unemployed samurai with nothing to do, and their morale suffered. In order to raise their spirits, the Shogun's Chief Advisor suggests that they hold a "Festival of Swordsmen" in the Shogun's presence. Problems arise when some of the martial artists bring their personal grudges to the competition. When Busshi Shirogoro (OTOMO) meets the daughter of the late Lord SANADA Yukimura sparks fly as she tries to use the competition to carry out her vengeance against Shogun Iemitsu.
Unruly Lion
Director of Photography
Case of Umon: The Nanbanzame Murders
Director of Photography
The serial killing of a samurai each night by strangulation at various temples confounds investigators and brings a chill to the residents of Edo. With the capital on edge, master crimefighter Kondo Umon is brought in to try and solve the case. His illustrious career aside, Umon must risk his own life, time and time again in order to bring the culprit to justice. This mystery will keep you guessing until the exciting climax. Umon has a flair for the dramatic and will hopefully solve the case before more innocent victims have their lives claimed!
The Pirates
Director of Photography
Finding more freedom on the high seas than in war-torn Japan, the 'Bahansen' (Pirate ships) based on the Seto Inland Sea during the Warring Period (Sengoku-jidai)sailed to China, Korea, Luzon, and Siam under the Hachiman banner. A battle for supremacy of the seas begins when a strange old shipwreck survivor is brought to Sakai where he divulges a secret that can change the course of history.One of the most literate and well-written films from Toei, this is an exciting tale of swashbuckling samurai on the high seas!
The Shogun’s Guard: Valor in Turbulence
Director of Photography
The stormy tale of the Shinsengumi is told from its birth by master filmmaker Sasaki Yasushi, with an all-star cast based on the original story by Shirai Kyoji. The battles between the royalists and Shogunate supporters come to a fever pitch during the Gion Festival as the exclusionists plot to burn Kyoto and kidnap the Emperor. From its earliest beginnings as a group of ronin brought from Edo to protect the Shogun when he is in Kyoto to see His Imperial Highness, the group had to face difficulties both from within and without. Commander Serizawa Kamo's corrupt practices threaten the group's very existence, as they try to recover from the bad reputation he left them with. Their redemption comes when they learn of Katsura Kogoro plans to gather men at Kyoto's Ikedaya Inn for his attack on the city. Along with Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji, Kondo leads the group in an attempt to save Japan from the rebels.
Hibari’s Favorite 2
Director of Photography
Young girl Kichiza searches for her missing brother and the person responsible for the death of her parents.
Исимацу Мори
Director of Photography
Фильм повествует о захватывающих приключениях Исимацу Мори, одном из самых преданных людей, пожалуй, самого известного и неординарного в Японии оябуна (босса якудза) Дзиротё из порта Симидзу.
Case of Umon: Hell’s Windmill
Director of Photography
Umon’s services are called upon when innocent bystanders, Kayo and Minokichi, along with the ronin, Gontaro are mistakenly identified as suspects in several recent murder cases. To prove their innocence and uncover the truth, Umon launches his own investigation.
The Edo Official and Apprentice
Director of Photography
It's an extravaganza of entertainment as famous magistrate in disguise, Toyama no Kinshiro attempts to confront the elusive thief known as the "Long-Sleeve Burglar". Played to the hilt by Misora Hibari in a delightful performance highlighted by singing, dancing, and swordplay with a unique story within a story twist that starts to unfold in the city jail as a playwright is brought into custody and meets the famed Long-Sleeve Burglar himself. Misora Hibari is totally captivating in this gender bending role as the famed thief whose expoits can only be stopped by the great Kin-san himself!
Gentle Breeze
Director of Photography
A young, feisty woman named Osome searches for her true love in the midst of a family crisis.
Turbulent Highways
Director of Photography
One-Eyed Wolf
Director of Photography
Five swordsmen are murdered and hung from a tree and the chase is on to find the killers. Two magistrates pursue the leads to solve the crime and it leads to a potential conspiracy to kill the Shogun.
A Young Rabble
Director of Photography
When an altercation with a gangster forces Kikutaro to leave Edo, he is sent by his father to Hamamatsu to find a better direction in life. However, trouble seems to follow Kikutaro on the road leading him eventually to come face to face with his rival, Gonkuro.
The Acrobats of Death
Director of Photography
Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogunate, pursues the mystery of a deadly aerial weapon that is responsible for the multiple deaths in town.
Evil Man of Edo
A classic battle between good and evil pits an unscrupulous fortuneteller who has been preying on the good citizens of Edo against a master-less samurai who founded a school for underprivileged children in a poor neighborhood. Into the mix comes a young woman running away from a forced marriage disguised as a teenage boy and becomes a student of the beloved Sensei, while he staves off the advances of a skilled pickpocket and prepares for a bloody showdown against a direct retainer of the shogun!
The Lost Public Funds
Four thousand gold coins were stolen from the vault of Nijo Castle in Kyoto, which were collected as a tax to the shogun. The guard of Nijo castle Asaka Keinosuke, disguised as a komuso monk, proceeds to investigate the theft, traces of thieves lead to Edo, where Asaka goes.
The Envoy
Director of Photography
Sinza who is secretly the well known "Sea Glow Burglar", gives to the poor the money he takes from the bad lords and greedy merchants, who live just to exploit the poor for their small coins. On his travel he meets a man and his little girl Onatsu. The man gets ambushed and killed in front of his daughter, so Sinza promises the man he will take his daughter safely to their destination, so the little girl is now his responsibility. The kind, non-violent Sinza now finds himself entangled in something far bigger than he expected.
Feline Spirit
Director of Photography
Go master Matashichiro Ryuzoji, during the game, was killed in anger by the Lord of the Nabeshima clan, Hizen-no-kami. The mother of the murdered Matashichiro, Akishino, cursing the Nabeshima family, commits suicide. Akishino's spirit passes to Matashichiro's beloved cat, and the monster cat appears in front of Hizen-no-kami along with Matashichiro's ghost...
Eight Views of Samurai
Bright samurai movie innovatively adapted from a classic story. A traveling masterless samurai is asked by a daughter of an established samurai family to pretend they are a married couple, and gets involved in the troubles of the samurai clan.
The Mansion of Intrigue
Director of Photography
A swordsman must foil a minister's sinister plan to assassinate the shogun.
Shadow Over Fuji
The year is 1805. Napoleon ruled Europe. Ienari is the 11th Tokugawa Shogun. An incident, which was an open official secret, took place on the foothills of Mt. Fuji. Fearing attacks from within and without, the Shogunate planned to build a training castle utilizing the most advanced techniques. Two master castle architects, Sato Kikutaro and Kumai Hakuten, were selected to compete for the honor of building this castle. Lord Mizuno Dewa has even ordered the townspeople to assist both sides with their land surveys and preparations. This leads to fear on the part of farmers that their land will be taken away from them, and sets off a series of events which rock the nation to its very roots. With an all-star cast, this is an important story with relevance to current times. One of Ichikawa Utaemon's finest performances, a true classic!
Temple of Revenge
Director of Photography
Revenge breeds revenge. Ikuta Denpachiro, the martial arts instructor of the Honda family in Koriyama, lost a fight to the young samurai Enjo Sozaemon in a martial arts tournament and as a result lost his position and was expelled from home. Wanting to avenge the mockery of himself, he treacherously kills Sozaemon and goes on the run. After long wanderings, Denpachiro, it would seem, finds a peaceful life and love in the face of a devoted and courageous Okatsu, but the brothers of the murdered man are already on his trail, wanting to avenge the death of Sozaemon. The film is based on a story by Itaro Yamagami.
Lords of Oppression 2
Director of Photography
Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
Lords of Oppression
Director of Photography
Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
Cantankerous Edo
Director of Photography
It's fighting fires and swordsmen with a touch of music in this free-for-all of action and excitement combining the talents of Japan's most popular couple... Misora Hibari and Okawa Hashizo. Along with the great Otomo Rytaro as Tatsugoro the fire chief, they keep Edo safe as part of the famed Megumi Fire Squad.
Director of Photography
Перекрёсток смерти
Director of Photography
Триллер по мотивам произведения Рампо Эдогавы. Директор крупной компании Сёго Исэ, давно не поддерживает отношения со своей обезумевшей женой. Охваченная жаждой мести она является к его любовнице. Защищая любимую, Сёго убивает свою жену. Теперь ему во чтобы то ни стало надо скрыть следы преступления и избавиться от всех улик.
Love is Lost
Director of Photography
Based on the novel by Torahiko Tamiya.
Director of Photography
Герой Нобути не смог найти себе места в реальной жизни, несмотря на ум и хорошее образование, он не работает и ведет жизнь отшельника. Его жена Сидзу вынуждена разделить с ним его страдания. Юный Хиоки чувствует трагедию этой личности и пытается разобраться в её причинах. Но он узнает обо всем слишком поздно.
Seven Masks of Revenge
Director of Photography
The eighth film in the "master detective with seven faces" series. Bannachi patrols the town in his taxi when he sees a man heading into Shiodome Town. Next day the man is found brutally murdered and the mystery starts to unravel.
Когда любишь
Director of Photography
Фильм состоит из трёх новелл. Томико, героиня первой новеллы «Цветочница» (режиссёр Кодзабуро Ёсимура),— маленькая девочка, на плечи которой непосильным бременем легли заботы о семье. Отец Тамико уже давно не может найти себе работу, старшая сестра безнадёжно больна — вряд ли ей удасться поняться на ноги. Чтобы прокормить родных, Томико с утра до поздней ночи бегает по городу и продаёт цветы… Вторая новелла (реж. Тадаси Имаи) тоже рисует быт бедняков. Незнакомая девушка принесла молодому Кавано письмо от его матери. Оказывается, девушку зовут Кунико, она очень трудолюбивая, но семья её умирает от голода. Поэтому мать решила отправить Кунико к сыну, чтобы тот женился на ней. Новелла так и называется «Неожиданная невеста». Особый интерес представляет третья новелла, которая дала название всему фильму: «Когда любишь» (реж. Сацуо Ямамото). Здесь показана семья молодого борца за мир.
Director of Photography
В тяжелые послевоенные годы так трудно найти работу и прокормить семью. Предложение работать в страховой компании выглядит, как невероятная удача. Но чтобы получить постоянное место нужно выполнить план, который представляется совершенно нереальным. Потерявшие всякую надежду решаются на отчаянный шаг.
A Billionaire
Director of Photography
An ethical, young tax collector new to his area encounters increasingly absurd individuals and groups coping with their post-war woes.
Director of Photography
Току-сан и Пин-тян живут в трущобах возле болота. Их жизнь такая же непутевая, как и их жилье. Они прожигают дни в тщетной надежде выиграть на тотализаторе. И вот появляется грязная и безумная Цуру, наивность и искренность которой может изменить их жизнь. Воспользуются ли они этим шансом?
Director of Photography
Печальная история юной Гинко, которая родилась в семье сапожника и вынуждена была работать гейшей, чтобы прокормить семью.
Дети Хиросимы
Director of Photography
Такако Исикава одна из всей семьи уцелела во время атомной бомбардировки Хиросимы, после войны она работает учителем на одном из островов Японского внутреннего моря. Во время своего летнего отпуска, она возвращается в Хиросиму, чтобы посетить могилы своих родителей и младшей сестры, которые были убиты во время взрыва, а также узнать как сложилась жизнь детей с детского сада, где она раньше работала.
The Yamabiko School
Director of Photography
A story of a passionate teacher and his great effort for the children in a poor village.
Идущие за хвостом тигра
Director of Photography
Япония. 1185 год. Надменные Хэки разбиты на море. Их победитель Миномото Есицунэ должен возвратиться в столицу после своих доблестных подвигов. Но Миномото Еримото, известный своей подозрительностью, поверил злословью вассала Киновара и решил убить Есицунэ — своего младшего брата. Объявленный вне закона по всей Японии Есицунэ и шесть его верных вассалов, переодевшись в монахов, пробираются на север по провинции Фудживара Кидихиро. Приблизившись к враждебной заставе Атака, они решают пересечь перевал…
Island of Horrors
Kindaichi challenges the mystery of an incident in which three sisters were killed one after the other according to an ancient tradition on an isolated island in the Seto Inland Sea. Kosuke Kindaichi received a will from his friend Kito, which said, "Go to Gokumon Island to save my three younger sisters," and Kosuke went to Gokumon Island. Upon arriving at the residence of Quito, there were three beautiful sisters, a crazy father, a cousin of Sanae, and Kosuke plunged into a strange atmosphere. The film adaptation of the masterpiece novel of the same name by Seishi Yokomizo. Kyozo Kataoka plays Detective Kosuke Kindaichi, and Ryutaro Otomo plays Inspector Isokawa, who can be called Kindaichi's best partner.
Пьяный ангел
Director of Photography
В нищем и грязном районе, в унылом бараке, превращенном в больничку, ведет прием пациентов врач. Однажды к нему обращается за помощью молодой хулиган, раненный в драке с местными гангстерами. Врач обнаруживает у своего непокорного пациента туберкулез. И постепенно, стараясь завоевать доверие, задобрить злобного парня, привязывается к нему, старается не только вылечить, но и спасти его от одиночества, отчаяния, пьянства. Снисходительность, доброта и терпение врача пробуждают в угловатом хулигане отзывчивость, благодарность, человечность, солидарность. Когда вновь появляются гангстеры, «Пьяный ангел», не желая подчиниться законам преступного мира, законам злобы, бросается на защиту наивной и доверчивой медсестры.
These Foolish Times
Четыре истории любви
Киноальманах из четырёх новелл о любовных историях в постановке известных режиссёров с участием больших звёзд послевоенного японского кинематографа.
Легенда о великом мастере дзюдо 2
Director of Photography
Продолжение похождений отважного дзюдоиста по имени Сугата Сансиро. На этот раз ему предстоит побороть новых соперников, включая белокожего волосатого боксёра, внешне, по мнению японцев, сильно похожего на обезьяну. Но герой сможет побороть всех противников, потому что его сила заключается не в ловкости тела, а в крепости духа.
Такая прекрасная жизнь
Director of Photography
Однажды в городок неизвестно откуда приезжает странная семейка. Их дни наполнены радостью, простые вещи в их руках становятся источником счастья и покоя. Что ещё нужно людям в тяжелые годы войны...
World of Love
A sixteen-year-old who had been living on her own since her mother died, frequently gets in trouble with the police. She gets sent to an "institute" for young girls in the countryside. There the residents grow their own food, cook and clean for themselves, and are taught language, music, and sewing. While there the young girl slowly begins to form friendships and come out of her shell.
Hyoroku's Dream Tale
Director of Photography
A Man's Flower Road of Triumph
Yukiko and Natsuyo
Director of Photography
Adaptation of a novel by Nobuko Yoshiya that was serialized in "Shufu no tomo" between 1939 and 1940.
The Man Who Disappeared Yesterday
Director of Photography
Feature film.
Ichiyo Higuchi
Director of Photography
Japanese film based on the life of writer Ichiyo Higuchi (1872-1896).
Blizzard Ronin
The film tells about the life of the former vassal of the Ako clan - Fuwa Katsuemon Masatane.
Цурухати и Цурудзиро
Director of Photography
По роману Кавагути Мацутаро. Цурудзиро исполняет национальные песни, Цурухати аккомпанирует ему на сямисэне. Их дуэт пользуется популярностью. Но Цурудзиро слишком много требований предъявляет к музыке девушки. Вскоре дуэт распадается, а Цурухати выходит выгодно замуж, но продолжает тосковать по музыке и совместным выступлениям.