Julian Ramundi


Рождество в Австралии
Matt Parker
Элли летит в Австралию, чтобы найти своего мужа и его необычную семью. Девушка обращается за помощью к местному экскурсоводу, а также известному на YouTube водителю Uber. Кроме того, в пути ей предстоит найти себя. Все это ей придется сделать до Рождества.
An Athlete Wrestling A Python
William Gothe
Life imitates art when Julien Goethe directs an unhinged version of An Athlete Wrestling A Python.
On Hold
A short film musical about the choice between following you dreams, and making next week's rent.
LIAM, a goofy dad and country veterinarian has hit a milestone - the big 40. His morning dreams of being spoilt by his seductive wife are dashed as a controversial nude painting steals his spotlight. Teased by a bohemian horse trainer and an obnoxious duck, Liam's jealousy fuelled imagination sparks a risqué scheme to steal it back.
Benefit is a rock musical about self-belief. Sam is a young man struggling to find his voice as a musician. When his idol, Jon-Jon Gibson dies, Sam feels lost and alone. He resolves to attend Jon-Jon's tribute concert but needs to raise money for a ticket. Sam must decide whether to sell his guitar or risk humiliation by performing.