The extraordinary story of Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, who served as Brazilian Ambassador to Paris during WWII. A largely unsung hero, he defied his own government’s orders by granting hundreds of unauthorised visas to Jews and others facing imminent capture and death.
Зузу Анжел — успешный модельер, которая распространила бразильскую моду по всеми миру. В 70-х годах Зузу восстала против военной диктатуры после изчезновения сына Стюарта, который также протестовал против диктатуры а рядах студенческого вдижения. После ареста Стюарта пытали и убили агенты секретной службы, которые позже объявили его пропавшим без вести. Именно в тот момент Зузу решает предать гластности произвол диктатуры и привлечь внимание барзильской и международной общественности.
High Court judge returns to the small town where he was born, bringing along his beautiful and young wife. The local men get aroused and start looking for young lovers at the local bordello. Their wives even make promises and novenas asking the disappearance of the new couple. One day, the judge dies, leaving his wife unsatisfied. The corpse, as if wanting revenge, keeps an erection on.
High Court judge returns to the small town where he was born, bringing along his beautiful and young wife. The local men get aroused and start looking for young lovers at the local bordello. Their wives even make promises and novenas asking the disappearance of the new couple. One day, the judge dies, leaving his wife unsatisfied. The corpse, as if wanting revenge, keeps an erection on.
A senator having contacts with illegal betting activities is killed by the man who is his right arm, who wanted to get his position. But the power structure resents this disturbance and can fall apart, specially since there's a witness.
A senator having contacts with illegal betting activities is killed by the man who is his right arm, who wanted to get his position. But the power structure resents this disturbance and can fall apart, specially since there's a witness.
Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.
Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.
Documentary about Flamengo, one of the most popular soccer teams in Brazil
Executive Producer
Two contrasting social groups get in touch: three architects and three street urchins, all struggling for survival.
Two contrasting social groups get in touch: three architects and three street urchins, all struggling for survival.