Romina Nuñez


Desert Lights
In the Atacama Desert, Antay and his friends struggle to keep their drought-stricken town afloat.
In the middle of the Atacama Desert is the last saltpetre settlement still inhabited. Known as Maria Elena, its inhabitants are reluctant to leave it behind, clinging to their memory and to their dead.
Sound Engineer
20-летний Жайме отбывает срок за убийство по пьяни близкого друга. В тюрьме юноша находит себе влиятельного покровителя по кличке Жеребец. Страстные отношения мужчин помогают им противостоять окружающей дикости, под защитой любовника Жайме становится Принцем.
Haydee and the Flying Fish
Sound Recordist
Haydee has been seeking justice for victims of human rights violations for 40 years caused by Pinochet’s regime, but today she faces her most intimate battle, the end of a long trial that condemns her torturers, the murderers of the son she carried in her womb. Along the way, health problems will bring back memories of her darkest days.
The Night, Unsheltered
The night before a drag show, two gunmen show up at a gay club in Santiago, Chile. Gabriela will try to handle the situation and avoid a violent turnout.
Sound Designer
A fishing cove on an island fallen out of time and space.
The Sutherland School
Sound Post Production Coordinator
In the midst of a media scandal, a group of teachers from a privileged school - led by Leticia - try to dismiss the new principal, who inaugurated with an inflammatory and controversial speech.
Niño transparente
Erica Kästner is a female director, she's about to premiere her documentary about transgender children, the protagonist of that film is her son Gaspar. In a press conference before release, she's ask about the presidential campaign of her sister Amara, Erica confess she doesn't support her, this unleash a personal conflict among the Kästner family, this grows into a national scandal.
Victoria Rosana Maite
After their daughter is discriminated in her school, Victoria and Rosana's relationship falls into a crisis due to their different opinions on the matter. Victoria will have to face the fear of assuming her homosexuality and the possible dissolution of her family.
Boom Operator
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.
The Judge and the General
A Chilean judge uncovers long buried secrets of former dictator Augusto Pinochet and, in the process, must confront his own role in that dark past.