Based on a manga series of the same name, an average high school baseball team is weakened when Hiroki, one of the star players in the team, receives a failing grade in school and cannot participate in any of the club’s activities till he passes again.
The story centers on Ayame and Tsubaki, who are researchers at a lab in the biology department of T University. Ayame is a “returnee,” someone who lived abroad for a while and then returned to Japan. He does things at his own pace and is a “dinosaur otaku,” and Tsubaki is his older colleague who is an enthusiast of studying the skeletons of birds and dinosaurs. The story follows their slightly strange romantic relationship. Based on the comic by Mai Machi
Kengo Watarai
Учитель старшей школы Сэйдзи Хасуми является самым популярным учителем в его школе, обладающий привлекательной улыбкой. Тем не менее, он психопат. Чтобы решить некоторые из школьных проблем, таких как запугивание, и защитить себя, он начинает убивать своих учеников одного за другим.