Sergey Salnikov

Рождение : 1963-04-21,


врач скорой
Герой фильма, Леша, — вялый парень с большим рыхлым телом и однообразной жизнью. Типичный «маленький человек», родом из русской классической литературы. Мечта об идеальном теле овладевает героем во время странного эксперимента, для которого Алексей был специально отобран. Эксперимент проходил под контролем спецслужб. Для него понадобились особи, не способные ничего понимать и запоминать, неудачники, которых не жалко. Оказавшись в очереди среди этих малопривлекательных людей, Леша еще не подозревает, что пройдет несколько минут и вся его жизнь стремительно ринется под откос. Под воздействием некого излучения, он видит в зеркале вместо себя прекрасного мускулистого красавца. Эксперимент заканчивается, Леша получает свой гонорар, свое тело и свою полу-жизнь. Теперь цель его существования — снова, хоть на минуту, стать тем красавцем. Борьба за тело продолжается.
Кокки – Бегущий Доктор
A manic insane doctor escapes over the hospital wall and spends most of the movie either ranting and weeping in a hospital or running, babbling about his true love Olga or his surgery practice. Men are obsessed with their frantic careers and various preoccupations, discussing their medical procedures or playing with machines in frantic montages, many men are naked, discussing nudity, vomiting and comparing penises while the women are clothed, a man pulls plums from a woman and squashes them as some obscure symbolic act, there are religious rants, a female Jesus giving food to naked men on the last supper table only to have them vomit, hair is seen as the link to God with women puking hair from their mouths in more insane symbolic scenes, and finally, a bizarre scene of a naked man dancing in pantyhose with a clown.
Кокки – Бегущий Доктор
A manic insane doctor escapes over the hospital wall and spends most of the movie either ranting and weeping in a hospital or running, babbling about his true love Olga or his surgery practice. Men are obsessed with their frantic careers and various preoccupations, discussing their medical procedures or playing with machines in frantic montages, many men are naked, discussing nudity, vomiting and comparing penises while the women are clothed, a man pulls plums from a woman and squashes them as some obscure symbolic act, there are religious rants, a female Jesus giving food to naked men on the last supper table only to have them vomit, hair is seen as the link to God with women puking hair from their mouths in more insane symbolic scenes, and finally, a bizarre scene of a naked man dancing in pantyhose with a clown.
Тайная эстетика марсианских шпионов
Martian Spies tells a love story between a boy who pretends to be a terrorist and a young girl, who is the wife of a KGB agent. The boy tells her that he has been hired to shoot the president – Yeltsin. The end is poetic yet addressing the politics of revenge and corruption in Russia. Miners stand in front of their mine, singing a song, which tells the story of contemporary Russian politics.
Тайная эстетика марсианских шпионов
Martian Spies tells a love story between a boy who pretends to be a terrorist and a young girl, who is the wife of a KGB agent. The boy tells her that he has been hired to shoot the president – Yeltsin. The end is poetic yet addressing the politics of revenge and corruption in Russia. Miners stand in front of their mine, singing a song, which tells the story of contemporary Russian politics.