Sound Recordist
Miglė, who married when she was very young, has for 26 years been divorced from her ex-husband who one day calls her and asks for a favour. He has found that it would be a good time to get married again after the death of his mother. But there is a small problem: their divorce is valid only in the eyes of the law, because a Catholic marriage cannot be divorced. It can, however, be annulled. All that needs to be done is to complete an application and give the “Catholic court” a good reason. But she does not know in what kind of absurd situations she is about to find herself in.
Sound Mixer
Strahinja and his wife Ababuo left Ghana with a dream of a better life in Europe. Instead of reaching the western part of the continent, they were deported back to Serbia. Strahinja has started to build himself a career, while Ababuo is unable to fulfil her ambitions and she feels increasingly frustrated. When she disappears one day, Strahinja sets out to find her… A crystal clear, humanistic story about the need to find one’s place in the world. It’s also a tale of love, the most profound testimony of which might also be the most painful.
Sound Recordist
Migle’s grandfather has been living in an apartment that is too big for him. Two sibling families decided to move him out. In order to please Migle, Eimantas comes to grandfather’s home to help family move all the furniture. But not everyone in the family is happy about his presence.
Boom Operator
История сопротивления человеческого духа бездушной машине уничтожения. В октябре 1943 года заключённые лагеря Собибор во главе с лейтенантом Красной Армии Александром Печерским поднимают восстание — единственное успешное восстание в нацистском лагере смерти.
Sound Editor
A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose suspect of World War II crimes. His shift is long over, yet nobody comes to replace him. However, the youngster is determined not to leave his post until he gets permission from his authorities to do so. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time bomb at the very wrong time. He must decide how far he can go guarding this suspect who is hated to death by everyone.
Sound Mixer
A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose suspect of World War II crimes. His shift is long over, yet nobody comes to replace him. However, the youngster is determined not to leave his post until he gets permission from his authorities to do so. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time bomb at the very wrong time. He must decide how far he can go guarding this suspect who is hated to death by everyone.
Boom Operator
Картина повествует о необычайных приключениях в Литве четырёх англичан — Майкла, Джонни, Бена и Тима. После удачного налёта в Лондоне на нелегальное казино, «славная четвёрка» садится в самолет, летящий в Малайзию. Кажется, все идёт по плану. Но… Никто не мог предусмотреть проделок вулкана Эйяфьядлайёкюдля, извержение которого вынудило самолет с англичанами сесть в Вильнюсе. Мало того, помимо местных разборок и приключений на все части тела, друзьям приходится спасаться от жаждущего мести владельца ограбленного казино.
Boom Operator
Главная героиня литовской картины — женщина средних лет по имени Моника. Ее обеспеченная и благополучная жизнь идет своим чередом, пока случайно они с мужем не сбивают машиной проститутку, которая в больнице кончает жизнь самоубийством. Чувствуя свою вину, Моника обращается в социальный приют с предложением принять у себя в загородном доме трех девушек, депортированных из Германии за проституцию. Общение с этими девушками меняет мироощущение Моники.