Jim Cramer

Jim Cramer

Рождение : 1955-02-10, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, USA


Jim Cramer is an American television personality, former hedge fund manager, and best-selling author, best known for hosting CNBC's television show _Mad Money_.


Jim Cramer
Jim Cramer
Jim Cramer
Jim Cramer
Jim Cramer
Jim Cramer


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The first in-depth look at the GameStop cultural phenomenon and its impact on everyday investors. Hear from Mark Cuban, Jim Cramer, Dave Portnoy and Robinhood’s Vlad Tenev on this high-stakes saga.
The first in-depth look at the GameStop cultural phenomenon and its impact on everyday investors. Hear from Mark Cuban, Jim Cramer, Dave Portnoy and Robinhood’s Vlad Tenev on this high-stakes saga.
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Железный человек
Jim Cramer
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