Maxime Desmet


An odyssey of a man in search of his female side
Re \ Entry
Director of Photography
'What happened? Where am I?' The man who wakes up alone in the woods has many questions. Is he dead and in the hereafter? The voice of God soberly answers his questions: Yep, that’s right. Traffic accident. But it’s not that bad, because everyone eventually dies. All the man’s questions, also about the meaning of life, are answered. In an equally entertaining and stimulating dialogue in English, the film evokes a comprehensive image of the universe and man’s place in it.
Director of Photography
Жарким летом в бельгийско-голландской пограничной деревне восемь подростков играют в игры на раскрепощение. Довольно скоро их любопытство начинает стирать грани между правильным и неправильным.