Richard Cromwell

Richard Cromwell

Рождение : 1910-01-08, Long Beach, California, USA

Смерть : 1960-10-11


Richard Cromwell


Clara Bow: Discovering the It Girl
Self (from Hoopla [1933]) (archive footage)
Clara Bow: Discovering the 'It' Girl features scenes from 25 of her films, as well as interviews with family members and acquaintances.
Bungalow 13
Patrick Macy
In this detective drama, a gumshoe must find a priceless hunk of jade. His several leads evaporate when the police succeed in killing all of the suspects.
Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher
Sgt. Pat Flanagan
Cosmo Jones, a correspondence-school detective from a small town, comes to the big city to offer his services to the police. He happens by where a gangster is killed by an opposing gang. Socialite Phyllis Blake is running around with gang member Tom and the opposing gang plan on kidnapping her. Cosmo is with Sergeant Flanagan when the attempt is made in front of a night club, where a bystander is seriously wounded in the gun-battle. Police Chief Murphy blames Flanagan for the shooting and demotes him. Cosmo, with the aid of a porter, Eustace and Flanagan's fiancée, Susan, tries to find the killer. Phyllis is finally kidnapped and Cosmo decides the act was committed by one of the two gangs. He has her father place an ad in the newspaper that contact has been made with the kidnappers. Each gang thinks the other is pulling a double cross, and one gang wipes out the other.
Baby Face Morgan
Edward 'Baby Face' Morgan
When crime boss Big Mike Morgan is killed, his lieutenant, "Doc" Rogers, learns that Morgan has a son named Edward living in the country with his mother. Rogers has naïve Edward brought to the city and installs him as the head of Acme Protective Agency. Good-hearted Eddy assumes his company provides insurance, rather than extortion-- But don't be too hard on the guy, he still doesn't know he's Baby Face Morgan, the most feared gangster in the city!
Riot Squad
Dr. Tom Brandon
Crime drama starring Richard Cromwell as a young medic who becomes the private physician to an underworld gang.
Parachute Battalion
Director Leslie Goodwins' 1941 military drama, about various men who become buddies when they join the paratroopers, stars Robert Preston, Edmond O'Brien and Buddy Ebsen.
The Villain Still Pursued Her
Edward Middleton
Victorian melodrama gets a big send-up in this spoof production of the old play "The Drunkard; or, The Fallen Saved." The play within the movie is the old one where evil villain Cribbs schemes to get his lusty clutches on the heroine by driving her naive husband to alcoholic ruin. Luckily, a temperance lecturer is on hand to set things straight, as is the great Buster Keaton as the drunkard's friend.
Enemy Agent
Jimmy Saunders
A man is framed for being a spy. After he is released, he sets out to find who the real spies are.
Village Barn Dance
Dan Martin
Dan Martin, an unemployed college graduate, drifts into the town of Lyndale, only to learn that the town and everything in it are dominated by Minerva Withers, a tight-fisted, old skinflint whose welcome does not extend to tramps.
Молодой мистер Линкольн
Matt Clay
Эта картина рассказывает о десяти годах жизни молодого Авраама Линкольна, прежде чем он стал известен американцам, а впоследствии и всему миру. Его жизнь не баловала, всего он добивался сам. Переехав из штата Кентукки в город Спрингфилд штата Иллинойс, будущий президент США, начинает свою юридическую практику. Здесь ему предстоит выступить адвокатом невинно обвиненных молодых людей и выиграть дело в суде, перенести смерть подруги Энн, встретить свою будущую жену Мери Тодд и решиться пойти в политику, чтобы в будущем стать шестнадцатым, а по значимости и величине Первым президентом США.
Storm Over Bengal
Lt. Neil Allison
This being a Republic picture, it should come as no surprise that Storm Over Bengal was filmed in its entirety in the San Fernando Valley. Within its concise 65 minutes, the film manages to accommodate a Bengal Lancers main plot, a romantic subplot, the obligatory coward who makes good, intrigue aplenty from a villainous Indian potentate, and an outsized climactic battle between the rebels and the British forces. Patric Knowles, previously one of the leads in the British-India epic Charge of the Light Brigade, heads the cast. Worth noting is the presence in the cast of Richard Cromwell as secondary romantic lead Neil Allison and Douglass Dumbrille as the despicable Khan. Three years earlier, Cromwell had been tortured by Dumbrille's minions in Lives of a Bengal Lancer, and he undergoes much the same treatment here-"just to make him feel at home" observed film historian Roger Dooley.
Come On, Leathernecks!
Jimmy Butler
The father of a star football player at Annapolis wants his son to follow the family pattern and join the Marines.
Ted Dillard
1852-й год. Новый Орлеан. Великосветская красавица Джули Марсден готовится выйти замуж за молодого политика и банкира Престона Дилларда. Однако, поругавшись с ним, Джулии назло своему жениху появляется в красном платье на ежегодном, престижном «Олимпийском» балу. Поскольку незамужние девушки в свет должны выходить только в белом, светское общество шокировано выходкой Джули. Престон расторгает помолвку и уезжает на Север. Спустя год, он возвращается в Нью-Орлеан с молодой женой. В городе бушует эпидемия желтой лихорадки, общество парализовано паникой и страхом, а у Джули появляется шанс доказать Престону свою любовь…
Breakdowns of 1938
Ted Dillard (archive footage) (uncredited)
This was one of the annual "blooper" reels screened by the Warners Club, an organization of Warners actors, crew and executives. It was meant to poke fun at the flubs and bloopers that occurred ont the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
The Wrong Road
Jimmy Caldwell
A young married couple whose plans for their life together haven't turned out as expected decide to rob the bank where the husband works of $100,000, then hide the money in a safe place and return for it after they serve out their sentences. All goes according to plan until they get out of prison, when they find that they're being trailed by an insurance investigator and the husband's old cellmate, who has decided that he wants a cut of the money.
Our Fighting Navy
Lt. Bill Armstrong
Trouble is brewing in the banana republic of Bianco for both His Excellency, El Presidente, and the British Consul, Brant. Rebels, led by Diego De Costa, the trusted "Minister of the Marines and the Customs" and Lieutenant Enricquo, the gunnery officer of the small republic's one battleship, have taken over the battleship, and the town. Most of the British citizens have taken refuge at the Consulate or have been evacuated to the small cruiser in Bianco's port, the "H. M. S. Audacious." But there are two major issues; the Consul's daughter, Pamela, and Canadian Lieutenant Bill Armstrong have been kidnapped by the rebels and now held hostage on the battleship "El Mirante," and El Presidente was visiting the consulate when the war broke out and is now under the protective custody of the British Empire.
The Road Back
After the First World War a group of German soldiers try to readjust to civilian life. A sequel to 'All Quiet on the Western Front'.
Billy Farnsworth
Carny con artist and snake-oil salesman Eustace McGargle tries to stay one step ahead of the sheriff but is completely devoted to his beloved daughter Poppy.
Annapolis Farewell
Boyce Avery
Commodore Fitzhugh, an old retired naval officer, lives at the Annapolis Naval Academy and, unhappy with the "modern" navy, likes to talk about his days in the "old" navy, especially about his part in the Battle of Manila Bay under Adm. Dewey during the Spanish-American War, when he commanded the USS Congress. That ship, now decommissioned and docked in Annapolis harbor, is--unknown to Fitzhugh--about to be towed out to sea to be used for target practice. When Fitzhugh finds this out, he sets out to either save his beloved vessel or "go down with his ship".
Unknown Woman
A young attorney, Larry Condon, is on a retainer by a nightclub-owning gangster, to carry and deliver what he thinks are legal papers but he is innocently carrying around millions of dollars in stolen bonds. He meets Helen Griffith when she is arrested in a raid on a gambling house and befriends her. She talks him into taking her to the nightclub of the man he is working for and, while there and unobserved by anyone by Larry, he sees her going through the files and desk of the owner. Who is this mystery woman he just got released from jail, and what is she up to?
Life Begins at Forty
Lee Austin
A small-town newspaper publisher finds himself in opposition to the local banker on the return to town of a lad jailed possibly wrongly for a theft from the bank.
McFadden´s Flats
Sandy MacTavish
Dan McFadden builds an apartment house in a working-class neighborhood on New York's East Side called "McFadden's Flats." At the same time, Dan and his wife Nora send their tomboyish daughter Molly to an expensive girls' school to teach her etiquette. Molly only agrees to go after her sweetheart, Sandy MacTavish, convinces her she should. When Dan is unable to complete the apartments because of a lack of money, Sandy's father Jock, a Scottish barber and Dan's best friend, secretly backs Dan's loan at the bank, even though Jock is known for his penny-pinching ways.
Жизнь Бенгальского улана
Donald Stone
Северо-Западная Индия. Алан МакГрегор — молодой лейтенант 41-го уланского полка, опытный военный пограничник, но, прежде всего, он человек, а потом солдат и всегда говорит то, что думает, может и не выполнить приказ и от этого вступает в конфликт с начальством. Полная противоположность — его командир, полковник Стоун, настоящий служака, которому предстоит отставка, но перед этим он узнает, что его сын лейтенант Дональд прибывает в полк и будет служить вместе со своим другом лейтенантом Форсайтом. Им всем предстоит предотвратить восстание индусов и блокировать попытки местного вождя захватить 2 млн. патронов у дружественного эмира Гопала…
Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove
Several members of MGM's 'galaxy of stars' attend an evening of music and a fashion show.
Among the Missing
Tommy Foster
Seeking to avoid arrest while fleeing through a city park at night, two jewel thieves, Gordon and young Tommy, stash some just-stolen jewels on elderly, unknowing Martha Abbott. They then invite Martha to come live with them as their housekeeper, duping her into helping fence their goods. When Martha eventually becomes aware of the criminal activities, she strives to help Tommy reform.
Name the Woman
Clem Rogers
Directed by Albert S. Rogell. With Richard Cromwell, Arline Judge, Rita La Roy, Charles C. Wilson.
Most Precious Thing in Life
Chris Kelsey
An unwed mother watches as her illegitimate son is raised by others. Director Lambert Hillyer's 1934 drama stars Jean Arthur, Richard Cromwell, Donald Cook, Anita Louise, Jane Darwell, Mary Forbes and Ward Bond.
During Civil War Reconstruction, the Connelly family is romantically restored to their former glory when Will Connelly marries a Yankee farm girl, Joanna Tate, despite the objects of his temperamental father Bob Connelly.
Above the Clouds
Dick Robinson
Robert Armstrong stars as Scoop Adams, an ace newsreel cameraman whose love affair with the bottle all but destroys him professionally. Scoop manages to get his photographer pal Dick (Richard Cromwell) fired as well, but he promises to restore Dick's reputation, some way or another. He gets his chance while covering a dirigible wreck (some three years before the Hindenburg), saving the day for both Dick and himself.
Chris Miller
A hula dancer at a carnival sets out to seduce the naive son of the show's manager.
This Day and Age
Steve Smith
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
That's My Boy
Thomas Jefferson Scott
Featuring members of the 1931 National Champion football team from the University of Southern California Trojans, with team members Russell Saunders and Oscar "Dutch" Hendrian also cast in roles other than just team members.
The Age of Consent
Michael 'Mike' Harvey
College co-eds struggle with the moral, societal and human aspects of romance.
Tom Brown of Culver
Robert Randolph III
Boy who thought his father a war hero finds he was really a deserter.
The Strange Love of Molly Louvain
James 'Jimmy' Cook
A fast-talking reporter befriends a young woman and her male companion who are wanted for a policeman's shooting.
Ronnie Smith
После смерти жены Фредерик Смит может рассчитывать только на экономку Эмму Тэтчер, которая приняла на себя все обязанности по воспитанию четырёх маленьких детей Фредерика. Проходят годы – дети выросли, а отец семейства добивается значительного профессионального успеха и становится богатым человеком. Незадолго до смерти Фредерика Эмма выходит за него замуж. Согласно последней воле мужчины значительная часть наследства достаётся жене, что становится источником конфликта между Эммой и её приёмными детьми...
Fifty Fathoms Deep
Pinky Caldwell
In this high-seas adventure, a woman creates a great rift between old friends: an experienced older diver, and his younger protege. They become enemies when a gold-digger marries the latter. She soon leaves him in favor of a wealthy yachtsman. She is aboard his boat when an accident occurs. The two divers must salvage the costly boat before it sinks.
Maker of Men
Bob Dudley
Bob plays football badly so his father Coach Dudley, his girlfriend Dorothy and his school reject him. He joins a rival college team and aims to defeat his dad's team.
Tol'able David
David Kinemon
Tol'able David is a 1930 sound film directed by John G. Blystone and produced and released by Columbia Pictures. It is a remake of a famous 1921 silent film Tol'able David starring Richard Barthelmess and Ernest Torrence. Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mailman for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.