Verónica Font


Letter to My Mother for My Son
Sound Designer
Carla is pregnant and naked, imitating the poses her mother took when she was pregnant with her. Sunlight filters through the windows. You see pictures in Super-8 of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, smiling, sewing, reciting poems. Then, a young girl travels from the Sixties to the Eighties, until today, crossing the thresholds of femininity and history, until the meeting with Carla by the Blue Sea of Catalonia and with Manel, Carla's newborn son.
A couple of choreographers tour between the frontiers of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia After 24 years sharing their professional and personal lives, the trip opens a crack in their routine and their lives begin to unravel.
Hogar al Aire
Sound Designer
Home in the Air is a reflection both on our idea of home and caretaking, and on our passage through this patch of sky. Built like a nest, with the bare essentials, the film has a poetic dimension with its focus on the bird’s and children’s watchful observation and on a listening ear for their songs and flutterings. Home in the Air is not about aesthetics or anything premeditated, it’s a natural prayer of the soul, an ode to animal and human behavior. The sharp eye of a bird and the children’s voices off-camera give shape to this film which places itself somewhere between the Earthly and the Divine.
Uncertain Path
Sound Post Production Coordinator
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Pedro Costa, Manoel de Oliveira y and the film's director, with their own personal views, share that thin line that links life with cinema.
Блюз для Тегерана
Sound Designer
Иран представлен в этом фильме многоликой страной, где традиции и современность сосуществуют и встречаются лицом к лицу. Через музыку и народы наш главный герой, Эрфан, ведет нас к открытию неизвестной, но сложной страны. Это забавный и ироничный молодой курд, который надеется стать режиссером. Еще он поет, пишет стихи, живет с родителями и попугаем, но ничего не знает о любви.
Sound Designer
Sustain desire through time. Cinema, friendship and poetry between two continents.
The Writer From a Country Without Bookstores
The ruthless dictator Teodoro Obiang has ruled Equatorial Guinea with an iron hand since 1979. Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is the most translated Equatoguinean writer, but he had to flee the country in 2011, after starting a hunger strike denouncing the crimes of the dictatorship. Since then, he has lived in Spain, feeling that, despite the risks, he must return and fight the monster… with words.
Финал будет впечатляющий
Sound Designer
После смерти брата от рук ИГИЛ девушка по имени Зилан возвращается в родной город, где народные демонстрации подвергаются жестоким репрессиям. В борьбе за свободу она не останется безразличным свидетелем.
Финал будет впечатляющий
После смерти брата от рук ИГИЛ девушка по имени Зилан возвращается в родной город, где народные демонстрации подвергаются жестоким репрессиям. В борьбе за свободу она не останется безразличным свидетелем.
Facing the Wind
Monica, a renowned choreographer, returns to Spain after a 20 year absence to see her sick father. Upon arriving her father has already died and her mother asks her to stay to sell the family home. In delaying her return to Buenos Aires Monica rediscovers her childhood landscapes and is forced to confront the past.
Sinaia, más allá del océano
Sound Designer
Las manos de Alicia