Emo Weemhoff


Sweet Dreams
Director of Photography
On a remote Indonesian island, during the waning days of the colonial era, Dutch sugar plantation owner Jan and his wife Agathe, are at the top of the food chain. That is, until Jan upon returning from his nightly visit to his native concubine Siti, suddenly drops dead in front of his wife. Desperate to keep the privileges of her status quo, Agathe forces her estranged son Cornelis and his heavily pregnant wife Josefien, to travel from Europe and take over the family business. In the midst of a worker’s uprising, Cornelis displays his plans for progressive change. But when Jan’s will puts Siti at the forefront of the family estate, ideals prove to be idle and blood thicker than water. 
Pink Moon
Director of Photography
A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next birthday.
Director of Photography
В 1991 году ещё маленькой девочкой Бетрик стала невольной свидетельницей странной смерти своей бабушки и от страха забыла подробности. 30 лет спустя она — мать-одиночка с несложившейся личной жизнью — живёт в отчем доме с пожилыми матерью и отцом. Когда в местных болотах начинают вести раскопки и находят хорошо сохранившиеся тела женщин, в дом Бетрик вламывается один из членов археологической группы и с ножом нападает на её мать.
Rules of War
Director of Photography
Documentary about an ICRC delegate Albert teaching members of the South Sudan army about the rules of war in the Geneva Conventions. The film highlights the challenges of these kinds of conversations from both sides.
Met Mes
Director of Photography
When a successful TV personality is robbed of her new film camera, she exaggerates the story to get the most out of her insurance. However, when the young suspect unexpectedly gets arrested, this trivial lie ignites a chain reaction of unforeseen consequences that will know only losers in the end.
Director of Photography
A young woman finds herself struggling to maintain her mental health and grounded family life on a rural Dutch island when her capricious, city-dwelling thespian mother falls incurably ill and expects her increasingly regular company and assistance.
In the Still of the Night
During a nightly journey teenagers share their experience with domestic violence and how this has defined their image of love, intimacy and parenthood. Associative images show the adolescents painful memories and a turning point to another life.
Отвези меня туда, где хорошо
Director of Photography
Альма, девушка на пороге взросления, покидает материнский дом в Нидерландах и отправляется в Боснию на поиски отца, которого она никогда не видела.
Director of Photography
Накануне съёмок дебютного фильма измученный молодой режиссёр изо всех сил пытается найти баланс между вымыслом и реальностью, лихорадочно гоняясь за ускользающим вдохновением.
In Limbo
Director of Photography
Acquitted of a fatal on-duty incident but tormented by its harrowing personal repercussions, a police officer and impending father struggles to piece his uprooted life back together while sent on leave to a holiday resort in Greece.
Stranger in Paradise
Director of Photography
A political essay on the absurd dilemmas presented by asylum policies. In a classroom, migrants’ illusions are dashed against the rocks of European arrogance.
Camera Operator
Young, inexperienced members of the Dutch Boarder Patrol undergo an intensive training on escorting refused asylum seekers to their homeland.
Director of Photography
Jeffrey lives in a small Dutch town with his father and his girlfriend. He is about to become a dad. Working in the local brick factory, he gets to supervise newbee Kevin. When Kevin tries to become intimate with him, Jeffrey knocks him to the ground. Yet he can't seem to get Kevin out of his head and starts to question everything that he was once so sure of.
Travelers Into the Night
Director of Photography
Working the lonely late shift, a gas station cashier shares a silly moment with a customer before being brought back to reality.