As Hollywood biographies go, Judy Garland's story is one of the saddest success stories you'll ever hear. The sanitized studio version of her life presented a smiling kid with the big voice, who, alongside Mickey Rooney, just wanted to put on a show. But drugs, overwork, even psychological abuse at the hands of the studio is now part of the Garland legend. But despite the number of Garland books and documentaries, one account has always been missing -- Garland herself never managed to write a memoir. She did make several attempts at an autobiography, often recording stories on a tape recorder. Judy Garland: By Myself (2004), finally fills in the blanks - using Judy's personal recordings to tell the story in her own words.
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Sir Richard Fanshawe
Экранизация романа Мэри Шелли, повествующая о молодом профессоре Викторе Франкенштейне, который оставляет родную Женеву, отца, братьев и невесту Элизабет и едет в Европу на учебу. Бдагодаря полученным знаниям, рвению и таланту Виктор создает до селе не известное науке существо.
Lord Holland
Брак Каролины и Уильяма Лэма в 1805 году с самого начала грозил не быть безоблачным: Каролина была известна своим порывистым, неуравновешенным и оригинальным характером. Но, видимо, именно это и привлекло к ней её будущего мужа, который сделал девушке предложение, несмотря на предостережения его матери, леди Мельбурн, женщины волевой до мозга костей и чрезвычайно расчётливой
Colonel Sir William Ponsonby
Масштабный исторический фильм, основное содержание которого сводится к событиям, предшествующим сражению при Ватерлоо, и самому сражению.
Bill Cartwright
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
il generale inglese
James Daly is an American special soldier who goes behind enemy territory during WWII. His Objective: to steal top secret SS document that can change the course of the war.
Nigel Costairs
A photographer based in Tokyo, who's in love with local beauty Tamiko, begins to court an embassy official so she can help him gain entry into the United States.
Lt. Burke
1941 год. Два офицера британской армии майор Ричардсон и лейтенант Бёрк отправляются на разведку, и их самолет терпит крушение на вражеской территории. Итальянский офицер капитан Блэси берет их в плен. Ричардсон и Блэси довольно быстро находят общий язык и начинают испытывать друг к другу симпатию. Но война есть война, и им приходится сражаться друг против друга…
Morris Brooke
Five years after George Radcliffe was the chief witness in a high profile murder case, his wife receives a blackmailing letter accusing him of the crime.
Ben Marlowe
A Hong Kong sex worker tries modeling and falls for the artist who's painting her.
Hello London is a 1958 documentary film starring Sonja Henie and Michael Wilding.
Captain 'Bunter' Phillips
Действие фильма «В Опасности» происходит в лагере для военнопленных в Северной Италии, где летом 1943 года размещались британцы, французы и другие пленные из армий союзников. Британские офицеры придумывают несколько хитроумных планов побега, в том числе один, связанный с канализацией, выключателями света, потерянными сигаретами и столбами для регби. Несмотря на все усилия Комитета по побегам, возглавляемого подполковником Дэвидом Бэрдом (Ричард Тодд), итальянцам удается помешать им всем. Заключенные начинают подозревать, что в их рядах есть информатор, а главным подозреваемым является греческий офицер лейтенант Кутулес (Сирил Шапс). Когда его находят убитым, недостатка в подозреваемых нет.
Maj. Michael Ingram
A notorious bandit develops a grudging respect for the English military man assigned to capture him.
Maj. John Andre
An American officer goes undercover to unmask a Revolutionary War traitor.
Prince Charles
Musical adaptation of the story of Cinderella and her magical trip to the prince's ball.
Live television broadcast of the world premiere. Described by various participants as the biggest world premiere in memory, even bigger than the Academy Awards.
Египет, XIV век до нашей эры. Страной правит фараон Аменхотеп IV, решивший изменить религию многобожия на поклонение единому божеству Атону. Культ Атона не был принят ни священнослужителями, ни жителями Египта и вызвал огромное негодование.
В это же время молодой египтянин Синух выбирает профессию врача, и волею судьбы назначается лекарем самого Фараона. Он становится невольным участником дворцовых интриг, заговоров и предательств.
Tye Graham
Одинокая звезда, комедийная актриса, встречается со слепым аккомпаниатором, ветераном войны. Она притворяется, что тоже ничего не видит, чтобы быть вместе с ним...
Philip Trent
When a wealthy business man is found dead reporter Philip Trent is sent to investigate. Against the police conclusions, he suspects the assumed suicide is really a murder, and becomes highly interested in the young widow and the dead man's private secretary.
David Scott
Entertaining ensemble piece dealing with several characters who are on the way to the races on Derby day. It cleverly blends dramatic, romantic and comic elements, including the woman and lover who have murdered her husband, and the working class couple who are excited about their chance to go to the races, but end up listening to it on the radio in the car-park because they've got such a bad view.
Sidney Herbert (Lord Herbert of Lea)
Based on the Reginald Berkeley stage play, this compelling historical drama offers a depiction of the life story of Florence Nightingale (Anna Neagle), the young 19th-century Englishwoman famously drawn to a career in nursing. Traveling to Turkey during the Crimean War, Florence gains a reputation for being devoted to the care of wounded soldiers and for pioneering higher standards for sanitary hospital conditions.
Nigel Duxbury
A former housemaid (Garson) now works as a confidence trickster, but her plans for a big job in California go awry.
Enjoying a holiday in the sun, Mr and Mrs Fergusson are relaxing on board a chartered yacht off the coast of France - their only crew, the skipper-owner and his adopted daughter. On taking a turn around the deck, Mr Fergusson is rather put-out to discover a stowaway helping himself to the comforts of their dinghy. Though very charming, the stranger refuses to give any explanation for his presence - and the Fergussons soon find themselves involved in a rather more eventful sailing trip than they had expected!
Nicholas Foster
Enjoying a holiday in the sun, Mr and Mrs Fergusson are relaxing on board a chartered yacht off the coast of France - their only crew, the skipper-owner and his adopted daughter. On taking a turn around the deck, Mr Fergusson is rather put-out to discover a stowaway helping himself to the comforts of their dinghy. Though very charming, the stranger refuses to give any explanation for his presence - and the Fergussons soon find themselves involved in a rather more eventful sailing trip than they had expected!
Det. Insp. Wilfried 'Ordinary' Smith
Ева Джилл — студентка, которая решилась сыграть главную роль своей жизни, чтобы снять подозрения в убийстве со своего друга, которого подвела под них звезда сцены Шарлотта Инвуд. Какова ее роль? Стать служанкой Шарлотты, чтобы узнать правду. Но наивной Еве предстоит узнать, что жизнь часто не следует написанному сценарию.
Charles Adare
Австралия, 19 век. Сэм, отсидевший срок за убийство, возвращается домой, к своей жене и пытается начать новую жизнь. Сэм усердно работает и вскоре становится богатым, но общество его не принимает — у Сэма небезупречное прошлое. Их гость Чарльз влюбляется в хозяйку дома и, пытаясь узнать о ней как можно больше, начинает понимать, что у семьи немало страшных тайн и секретов…
Michael Gore-Brown
Penniless man-about-town Michael Gore-Brown is delighted to hear he has been left a high-class Mayfair fashion salon. His intention is to sell it as quickly as possible, but on meeting Ellen, chief designer and manager, he quickly changes his mind and turns his attention to courting her.
Lord Richard
Life in the normally tranquil high society home of Joshua Howard is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious footman in this sparkling British romantic comedy hit. Richard (Michael Wilding) acts like anything but a servant. He has aristocratic airs and graces, an expert knowledge of fine art and can play classical music and boogie-woogie on a grand piano with equal aplomb. And is that an Old Etonian tie he's wearing? Judy (Anna Neagle), is determined to discover Richard's true identity and the reason he's posing as a lowly footman. Bored with the attentions of vain movie stars and eccentric minor nobility, she's captivated by his easy-going charm and ready to fall. But will his scandalous secret come between them and true happiness?
Arthur Goring
A prominent politician is preparing to expose a financial scandal. But then a woman who has invested heavily in the shady venture threatens to uncover a damaging secret in the politician's past if he exposes the speculation as a fraud. His problem is compounded by his wife's intolerance of the slightest character flaws.
Sir Edward Courtney
On New Years Eve, 1899, baronet's son Edward Courtney becomes engaged to Kate, his mother's maid, much to the scandal of London society. The film then follows their family through four generations, with separations, joys, tragedies, and service in the Boer War, WWI, and WWII.
Maurice Avery
Story of a ballet dancer of the Edwardian era. From the novel by Compton Mackenzie.
Capt. Alan Pearson
A newly married WREN, presumed drowned when her ship is torpedoed, spends three years on a tropical island before returning to England to find her husband remarried with a baby son.
Tom Gilbey
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
Nicholas Randolph
Three generations of a family gather together to celebrate a golden wedding anniversary, while the family secretary has the unenviable task of smoothing out all the deep-set hostilities and jealousies.
Occupied Yugoslavia. With organised resistance shattered by the Nazi onslaught it is only the activity of small guerrilla bands that bring fresh hope to the people. But quislings and infiltrators are everywhere – and trusting the wrong person could easily get you killed...
Private Nobby Clark
World War II drama in which a member of the French Resistance and three British agents undertake a hazardous mission to infiltrate a German HQ in search of vital information that could lead to the overthrow of the Nazis.
История команды маленького корабля, знавшей о своей обреченности и все же честно выполнившей долг.
RAF Officer
Humorously using the arrogant and bumbling Mr. Proudfoot, this film serves a dual purpose of emphasizing the importance of obeying blackout hours, as well as easing the stress of the time period by encouraging laughter.
Lieut. Grant
Before the war, a Fleet Air Arm pilot is dismissed for causing the death of a colleague. Working for a small Greek airline when the Germans invade Greece, he gets a chance to redeem himself and rejoin his old unit on a British carrier. This is regarded the last of the conventional, rather stiff 1930's style Ealing war films, to be succeeded by much more realism and better storytelling.
Alan Trently
Allied spies and Nazi Agents insinuate themselves at a Scottish cottage (converted to a wartime hospital) with interests on an inventor's nearly perfected bomb sight.
Ronnie Walshingham
A young tradesman learns that money doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Drama.
Richard Coaker
Eden Philpotts' "provincial" comic novel and play The Farmer's Wife was first filmed in the silent era by Alfred Hitchcock. The 1940 talkie version was directed by Leslie Arliss, son of stage star George Arliss. The story remained the same: A middle-aged widower attempts to select a wife from his rural district's eligible females (Basil Sydney). Three unsuccessful dalliances later, the farmer settles for his housekeeper, whom the audience has been rooting for all along. The Farmer's Wife is a prime example of the sort of fare that struck a proper chord with British filmgoers, but whose appeal would be lost to any other nationality.
Tony Fox-Collier
Tiny Fox-Collier and her son, Tony, are broke. A cheery and handsome young man about town, Tony knows he can rely on his mother for a brainwave to save them from utter destitution. This she has: a visit is scheduled to the Irish country estate of her old flame Sir Richard Furze, now a wealthy widower with two daughters. But while Tiny is determined to see her son marry the beautiful but haughty Joan, it seems Tony only has eyes for Joan’s spirited younger sister, Baby.
Boat building father and son join the river patrol service and get caught-up in a spy ring.
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
Len Charteris
A young boxer falls in with a crooked fight promoter.
Ivan Petrov has one weakness in his life, and one love: his little black-eyed daughter, Tania. In fact, his entire career is devoted to her future happiness, though Tania remains ignorant as to his vocation. Done with cool deliberation, Petrov's all-consuming fear is that one day his lovely daughter will discover his true profession, and despise him for it...
Soldier (uncredited)
Happy-go-lucky soldier Guy De Vere must leave India and return to the family seat at Little Twittering, for he has inherited the family title. Sir Guy finds all his relatives to be frozen stuffed shirts... except lovely cousin Rowena, who is mad about knighthood and chivalry. Struck in the head by a falling suit of armor, Guy dreams he and Rowena are back in 1400, as the unabashed farce continues...
Newspaper Telephone Operator (uncredited)
A newspaper reporter sets out to track down the murderer of a policeman.
Man at Clay Pigeon Shoot (uncredited)
Боб и Джилл Лоуренс проводят отпуск в Швейцарских Альпах вместе со своей дочерью Бетти. На глазах у супружеской пары погибает их новый знакомый — француз Луи Бернар. Перед смертью он успевает прошептать Бобу несколько слов о готовящемся шпионском заговоре. Для того чтобы Боб молчал, злоумышленники похищают и держат в заложниках его дочь. Супруги должны спасти своего ребенка и выполнить гражданский долг — не допустить покушения на известного дипломата.
Regiment Soldier
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
Minor Role
A model inherits a great deal of money and pretends to be a movie star.