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The computer animation Outside In explains the amazing discovery, made by Steve Smale in 1957, that a sphere can be turned inside out by means of smooth motions and self-intersections. Through a combination of dialogue and exposition accessible to anyone who has some interest in mathematics, Outside In builds up to the grand finale: Bill Thurston's "corrugations" method of turning the sphere inside out.
As Vic Brown vacillates between infatuation and disinterest for his co-worker Ingrid Rothwell, she finds out that she is pregnant and Vic has to reconcile how he thought his life would go with what life actually has in store for him.
A wealthy business man fires one of his employees and becomes the victim of murder attempt. The fired man becomes the prime suspect, but it appears that he himself has been murdered.
On Christmas Eve, an old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the spirit of his former partner, Jacob Marley. The deceased partner was in his lifetime as mean and miserly as Scrooge is now and he warns him to change his ways or face the consequences in the afterlife.
Одинокий Марк Льюис днем работает на киностудии, а ночью делает пикантные фотографии женщин. Кроме того, он снимает документальный фильм о страхе, в котором запечатляет реакцию жертв в момент их убийства.