Robert Kelly

Robert Kelly


Robert Kelly


Robert Kelly: Kill Box
Written by: Robert Kelly Directed by: Louis CK Executive Producers: Robert Kelly, Lea Cohen, Louis CK Producer: Brady Nasfell
Robert Kelly: Kill Box
Written by: Robert Kelly Directed by: Louis CK Executive Producers: Robert Kelly, Lea Cohen, Louis CK Producer: Brady Nasfell
Fourth of July
A recovering alcoholic and jazz pianist in NYC confronts his acerbic family during their annual Fourth of July vacation.
Sam Morril: Full Capacity
A documentary about the comedy clubs reopening in NYC and getting back to some sense of normalcy.
Patrice O'Neal: Killing Is Easy
A documentary about the life and career of controversial stand-up comedian, Patrice O'Neal, who released only one special before his death in 2011.
Страсть, жизнь, любовь
Blog Fan
Вероника Уиллоу - блогер из Нью-Йорка, которая пишет о своей полиаморной сексуальной жизни. Независимая, уверенная в себе, сексуальная и свободная, у Вероники, кажется, есть все: подруга Джоанна, мексиканский любовник Педро, множество интригующих друзей и незнакомцев, которых она любит на секс-вечеринках. Затем она знакомится с Дэниелом - красивым моногамным женатым мужчиной. Соблазненная вызовом, Вероника преследует его, и по мере того, как они погружаются в роман, ее сердце и ее личность постепенно выворачиваются наизнанку.
Robert Kelly: Live at Wall Street Theater
Robert Kelly’s comedy is deeply rooted in his own life and relationships which makes it honest, abrasively funny, yet refreshingly vulnerable. He has been winning over audiences for years touring clubs, colleges and theaters, including repeat performances at Montreal’s Just for Laughs Festival. Robert is most recently seen on Netflix The Degenerates season 2 and on a successful comedy tour Kreeps With Kids, touring now. Robert is also recurring on This Week At The Comedy Cellar, a Comedy Central Series. His one hour special Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground debuted on Comedy Central and Netflix and is now available on Amazon Prime.Robert currently hosts the top-rated podcast “You Know What Dude?” that can be found on iTunes.
Best of Stand-up 2020
Unnecessary milk substitutes. Bad passwords. Burlap underpants. 2020 may have sucked, but thankfully the jokes didn't.
The Truth About Santa Claus
A man does not want children but after a “run-in” with Santa finds the true “gift” of Christmas.
Colin Quinn & Friends: A Parking Lot Comedy Show
Колин Куин собрал компанию комиков, жаждущих выступить в условиях пандемии, и снял спешл, где все зрители собрались на парковке в своих автомобилях.
Colin Quinn & Friends: A Parking Lot Comedy Show
Колин Куин собрал компанию комиков, жаждущих выступить в условиях пандемии, и снял спешл, где все зрители собрались на парковке в своих автомобилях.
Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh
In his first HBO comedy special, Gary Gulman offers candid reflections on his struggles with depression through stand-up and short documentary interludes. While speaking to issues of mental health, Gulman also offers his observations on a number of topics, including his admiration for Millennial attitudes toward bullying, the intersection of masculinity and sports, and how his mother's voice is always in his head.
The Roast of Rich Vos
A roast in the traditional sense, where friends take down one of their own, no holds barred. In this unfiltered hour and a half, Rich Vos takes an unreasonable amount of hits from a group of comedians.
The Roast of Rich Vos
A roast in the traditional sense, where friends take down one of their own, no holds barred. In this unfiltered hour and a half, Rich Vos takes an unreasonable amount of hits from a group of comedians.
Не в себе
Steve's Partner
Девушка покидает родной город, чтобы сбежать от проблемного прошлого и найти новую работу. Но когда она не по своей воле оказывается в психиатрическом учреждении, ей приходится столкнуться со своим самым большим страхом. Но реален ли он, или это — просто плод ее воображения? Героине кажется, что никто не верит ей, а власти не могут или не хотят помочь, поэтому она должна в одиночку противостоять своим страхам.
Девушка без комплексов
One-Night Stand Guy
У симпатичной девушки Эми никогда не было серьезных отношений. Она придерживается свободных взглядов и обычно не ходит дважды с одним парнем на свидание. Будучи сотрудницей крупного мужского издания, она получает задание от шефа написать статью о спортивном враче Ароне. Эми и не рассчитывала, что деловая встреча с доктором изменит ее жизнь.
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground is a stand-up comedy film that captures the indomitable nightlife and comedy club scene of New York City through Robert Kelly's raucous, savvy and hilarious one-man show.
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground is a stand-up comedy film that captures the indomitable nightlife and comedy club scene of New York City through Robert Kelly's raucous, savvy and hilarious one-man show.
Jim Norton: American Degenerate
In the follow-up to his first EPIX comedy special Please Be Offended, caustic comedian Jim Norton continues to push every hot button he can find... all in the name of a good laugh, of course. With his trademark self-deprecating brand of humor, Norton outrageously covers a wide range of topics that somehow all lead back to sex.
With the help of his friends, an average schmuck tries pull off the near-impossible task of cheating on his girlfriend without her finding out.
With the help of his friends, an average schmuck tries pull off the near-impossible task of cheating on his girlfriend without her finding out.
Город призраков
Construction Worker Ghost
Дантист-человеконенавистник переживает клиническую смерть, после которой оказывается способен видеть мертвых. Особенно сильно ему досаждает призрак бизнесмена, требующий, чтобы герой помешал грядущей свадьбе своей вдовы.
HECKLER is a comedic feature documentary exploring the increasingly critical world we live in. After starring in a film that was critically bashed, Jamie Kennedy takes on hecklers and critics and ask some interesting questions of people such as George Lucas, Bill Maher, Mike Ditka, Rob Zombie, Howie Mandel and many more. This fast moving, hilarious documentary pulls no punches as you see an uncensored look at just how nasty and mean the fight is between those in the spotlight and those in the dark.
8 Guys
Eight guys living in a shoe box sized apartment make a bet to see who gets to keep the apartment and who has to leave. The last person to receive a phone call wins a dump of an apartment.