Georg Aschauer


The Devil's Bath
18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…
A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
Line Producer
A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
Richie Bravo, once upon a time a successful pop star, chases after his faded fame in wintry Rimini. Trapped between permanent intoxication and concerts for busloads of tourists, his world starts to collapse when his adult daughter breaks into his life.
Русская эмигрантка и порноактриса Лиллиан решает пройти пешком США, чтобы вернуться домой. Путь её лежит от Нью-Йорка до Аляски: словно лосось на нересте, она всё время движется наперекор всему, поперёк течения.
Дети мертвых
О восстании мертвецов в небольшом австрийском городе.
Дети мертвых
Line Producer
О восстании мертвецов в небольшом австрийском городе.