Hunter F. Roberts


A Montreal DJ, following his girlfriend to Los Angeles, falls into a deadly relationship with a couple of female hitch-hikers.
The Chief
After years hiding in the shadows, the ancient ghosts of an old Pittsburgh theater make their presence known once again.
After years hiding in the shadows, the ancient ghosts of an old Pittsburgh theater make their presence known once again.
After years hiding in the shadows, the ancient ghosts of an old Pittsburgh theater make their presence known once again.
After years hiding in the shadows, the ancient ghosts of an old Pittsburgh theater make their presence known once again.
Sex, Politics & Cocktails
Latin American filmmaker Sebastian Cortez (Julien Hernandez) is unable to commit to his girlfriend and, at age 30, finds himself alone and never in love in this irreverent comedy. On a mission to find the love of his life, he solicits help from his friend Daria (Marisa Petroro). When she acquaints Sebastian with her bevy of gay friends, he finds himself on the adventure of a lifetime that includes makeovers for his penis and unusual threesomes.
Angry Fight Fan (uncredited)
Непобедимый боксер Мухаммед Али является великим героем Америки, кумиром всего мира, и в то же время, одной из самых недооцененных персон XX века. Борясь за гражданские права в родной стране в сложные, бурные годы, когда громкие политические и социальные события коренным образом меняли мировоззрения людей, Али защищал угнетенных и дарил людям новую надежду. История сделала его живой легендой, и теперь вряд ли найдется на планете хоть один человек, который не слышал гордое имя Али.