Yutaka Takeuchi

Yutaka Takeuchi


Yutaka Takeuchi


Drive All Night
Dave, an reclusive swing-shift taxi driver, has his night take an unexpected turn after he picks up a mysterious passenger, Cara, who is hiding a dark secret. As she makes him drive through the city on a series of bizarre excursions, things get increasingly more surreal the further into the night they go.
Commander Hashimoto
Картина расскажет о капитане Чарльзе Батлере Маквэе, корабль которого был торпедирован японцами в Тихом океане в июле 1945 года после того, как перевез на своем борту детали первой атомной бомбы на американскую военную базу, располагавшуюся на острове Тиниан. Из почти 1200 членов экипажа американского судна около трех сотен пошли на дно вместе с кораблем, а оставшимся выпало тяжкое испытание: пока они держались на поверхности океана, ожидая помощи, им пришлось пострадать от обезвоживания, отравления морской водой и акульих зубов. В живых осталось только 317 моряков, а Маквэй впоследствии пошел под трибунал.
Kane Madison is an architect working in Los Angeles while his doppelganger-like spirit, an eighteenth century Ronin, wanders a parallel netherworld of masked demons and Japanese swordsmen. When tragedy strikes, Kane embarks on a journey of faith which prompts the Ronin to seek out his true master in the spirit world... both will face many battles along their interweaving roads to peace.
East Side Sushi
Years of working in the food industry have made Juana, a working-class Latina, a chef of speed and skill. Searching for financial stability, she stumbles into a high-energy, male-dominated Japanese cuisine kitchen. The new atmosphere re-ignites her passions for food and life and makes her hungry to get mixed up in the flavors of this new world.
Морской бой
Myoko XO
Мы посылаем сигналы в космос и ждем ответа. Но уверены ли мы, что хотим его получить? Что если пришельцы потенциально опасны? В 2009 году на конференции в Вашингтоне астронавт Эдгар Митчелл, побывавший на Луне, сделал сенсационное заявление о существовании внеземной жизни. Теперь мы знаем, контакт не просто возможен, он неизбежен!
Good Soil
Ships from Europe brought Christianity to the shores of Japan in 1549. For decades the seeds of faith grew under the watchful gaze of the Shogun, but the fear of foreign influence eventually gave rise to persecution. By 1624, Japanese Christians enjoyed only a few more years of peace. Jinbei Mauda comes to a point in his journey were he has to choose between his family or faith. Jinbei Masuda, a Japanese Christian of the samurai class who draws his strength from his faith, family and kenjitsu (Art of the Sword). However, he is caught up in the shogun's policy of religious persecution and must choose between his loved ones or his God.