A dark and disturbing adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s controversial gothic feminist horror story about patriarchy and hysteria. Jane, a writer and young mother, is prescribed a rest treatment by her physician husband John, who takes her to a remote country estate for the summer. She becomes obsessed with the peculiar yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has chosen for her. In her isolation, she secretly writes about a woman trapped in the wallpaper—that she must free.
Director of Photography
A different kind of coming out. When a young moody Millennial reveals his HIV status in a queer support group, it sends Poe, a not so traditional gay priest who mentors the group, in search of his own inner truth.
Director of Photography
In a near future Los Angeles, drought has worsened and the water supply is cut off. Masami Kawai’s visionary and atmospheric lo-fi sci-fi depicts an elder immigrant woman braving the sweltering heat and policed streets to procure water for herself and her disabled neighbor. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
An entire relationship in its first and last moments.
An entire relationship in its first and last moments.
Чед, владелец проката кассет фильмов ужасов, рассказывает несколько зловещих кровавых историй своему новому сотруднику, чтобы объяснить основные законы жанра ужастиков.
Ex-lovers meet to return each other's things. What they say and think is different.
Ex-lovers meet to return each other's things. What they say and think is different.
Director of Photography
Two generations of Russian immigrants go to the country for a birthday, but when someone witnesses a mysterious violent crime, a shadow is cast over the weekend.
Director of Photography
A dying father helps his young daughter carry an imaginary mission into space in order to reunite her with her mother; which leads to an unimaginable revelation.