Yaël Abecassis

Yaël Abecassis

Рождение : 1967-07-19, Ashkelon, Israel


Yael Abecassis (born July 19, 1967) is an Israeli actress and model. She married Israeli actor Lior Miller in 1996 and has one child. They divorced in 2003. Abecassis is the daughter of Raymonde Abecassis, a Moroccan-born Israeli actress


Yaël Abecassis


Legend of Destruction
Queen Berniki
What had initially started out as a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation, quickly turned into a fierce civil war. The combination of religious messianic zeal and the friction between social classes proved disastrous and resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple.
Raymonde El Bidaoia
Raymonde - diva, queen, enigma, inspiration, survivor, widow, woman, and mother. Armed with a camera, Yael Abecassis followed her mother and stepped into a world where she had always been a stranger. "You know, daughter, Morocco is a kind of therapy," Raymonde says, and for the first time, they embark on a journey together: from a childhood in the mellah of Casablanca to the dunes of Ashdod and back to Morocco, where the mother became the legendary Raymonde El Bidaoia - a world-famous Moroccan singer. As they journey, Yael discovers a woman who articulates her weaknesses and the complexities of her choices with keen self-awareness, even when mother and daughter are transposed, twined together by guilt, admiration, pain, and above all else - limitless love and music.
Raymonde El Bidaoia
Raymonde - diva, queen, enigma, inspiration, survivor, widow, woman, and mother. Armed with a camera, Yael Abecassis followed her mother and stepped into a world where she had always been a stranger. "You know, daughter, Morocco is a kind of therapy," Raymonde says, and for the first time, they embark on a journey together: from a childhood in the mellah of Casablanca to the dunes of Ashdod and back to Morocco, where the mother became the legendary Raymonde El Bidaoia - a world-famous Moroccan singer. As they journey, Yael discovers a woman who articulates her weaknesses and the complexities of her choices with keen self-awareness, even when mother and daughter are transposed, twined together by guilt, admiration, pain, and above all else - limitless love and music.
Raymonde El Bidaoia
Raymonde - diva, queen, enigma, inspiration, survivor, widow, woman, and mother. Armed with a camera, Yael Abecassis followed her mother and stepped into a world where she had always been a stranger. "You know, daughter, Morocco is a kind of therapy," Raymonde says, and for the first time, they embark on a journey together: from a childhood in the mellah of Casablanca to the dunes of Ashdod and back to Morocco, where the mother became the legendary Raymonde El Bidaoia - a world-famous Moroccan singer. As they journey, Yael discovers a woman who articulates her weaknesses and the complexities of her choices with keen self-awareness, even when mother and daughter are transposed, twined together by guilt, admiration, pain, and above all else - limitless love and music.
A Tramway in Jerusalem
A Tramway in Jerusalem is a situation comedy that juxtaposes stories and human situations in the context of the current Israeli Palestinian society in 2018. In Jerusalem the tramway connects several neighbourhoods, from East to West, recording their variety and differences.
In October 1995 three French sisters gather in Atlit, Israel to sell the family home. Tensions arise between elders Darel and Cali when Darel proves unwilling to sell. That's when the sisters start seeing apparitions of their dead parents.
Разговоры с богами
(ep. "The Book of Amos")
В альманахе раскрываются отношения людей разных религий с Богом.
That Lovely Girl
Moshe and Tami are a couple, Moshe is in his fifties and Tami is in her early twenties. They live together in a cruel and violent relationship, from which Tami seems unable to set herself free. Tami and Moshe are father and daughter...
Dancing Arabs
A young Arab is caught between cultures as he is sent to a prestigious Jewish boarding school in Israel in the 1980s.
Hunting Elephants
In this hilarious crime comedy, a gifted 12-year-old boy and three elderly men plan a bank robbery in order to seek revenge on the institution for cheating the youngster after the death of his father.
Lullaby to my Father
The film intertwines historical events and intimate memories. I observe how architecture represents the transformations of society and those who give form to this architecture. We follow the journey of Munio, my father, born in 1909 in Silesia, Poland, the son of a tenant farmer of a Prussian junker. At the age of 18, Munio goes to Berlin and Dessau to meet Walter Gropius, Kandinsky and Paul Klee at the Bauhaus. In 1933, the Bauhaus was closed by the Nazis, who accused Munio of treason against the German people. Munio was imprisoned, then deported to Basel. He left for Palestine. Upon his arrival in Haifa, he began a career as an architect and adapted European modernist principles to the Middle East.
Два незнакомых друг другу человека из разных стран встречаются в аэропорту. Он думает, что она – его водитель. Она, очарованная случайным знакомством, не торопится сказать ему об ошибке. Их поездка из аэропорта в Иерусалим – короткая романтическая история практически в реальном времени, длиной всего в 40 минут.
The Seven Days
When one of the brothers (Ohayn) dies, all the whole family comes for Shiva (Jewish tradition,when the family sits seven days at the home after the death one of their family). A large family with a lot of problems and conflicts between them.
Comme ton père
1968. La famille Maïmon : Félix, Mireille et leurs deux enfants, Eric et Michel, débarquent à Marseille. Quelques années plus tard, à peine installé à Belleville, Félix fait la connaissance de Serge, un parrain local avec qui il se lie d'amitié. Serge entraîne Félix sur les chemins du grand banditisme, jusqu'à ce que celui-ci se fasse prendre par la police et décide d'endosser, à la place de Serge, la responsabilité de chef de bande.
Выжить с волками
1941 год. Родители девочки Миши, скрывавшиеся в Бельгии, депортированы. Ребенок решает бежать на восток и найти их. Чтобы выжить, девочке приходится красть еду и одежду. В лесу ее спасает от гибели пара волков, переняв повадки которых, она становится полноправным членом стаи. За четыре года скитаний по охваченной огнем и залитой кровью Европе девочка открывает для себя звериную жестокость людей и доброту диких животных…
Without Me
Anna, a divorced single mother, employs a mysterious young woman called Lise to care for her children.
Louis and his Daddy are driving back home. Daddy is a past master at clowning, which does not necessarily make Louis laugh. At times Daddy gets awfully mad, picking on people who don't deserve it. That also does not make Louis laugh. But Daddy IS sweet. He knows how to soothe Louis when he is very very upset. And he can rock-a-bye his baby with a song by Niagara. Daddy has been rather slipshod lately. And ill-shaved. And has had hair-raising nightmares. Louis can burst into tears just because a little girl refuses a sticker he wants to give her. What's wrong with Louis and his Daddy? Written by Guy Bellinger
Иди и живи
События фильма происходят в конце 1984 года, когда руководителями государства Израиль было решено привезти на Святую Землю несколько тысяч репатриантов из Эфиопии, которые проживали в трудных условиях в пустыне. Больная женщина, спасая своего сына, посылает его в Эрец Исраэль, но сама остаётся в Эфиопии. В Израиле мальчика усыновляет семья выходцев из Туниса и вскоре он становится полноценным гражданином Израиля с гордым именем Шломо, несмотря на то, что мать воспитала его христианином. Он ощущает себя израильтянином, выходцем из Туниса, носителем французской культуры, не забывая о своих корнях. Впрочем, трудности абсорбции не миновали его. Он страдает от расизма, ему постоянно напоминают о тёмном цвете кожи.
Three-Step Dance
Four separate-but-interconnected stories - one for each season - about life in Sardinia.
Miss Entebbe
Jerusalem 1976, a coming of age story about a confused girl, set against the Entebbe airplane hijacking.13- year-old Noa, is convinced she can free her friend's mom by kidnapping an Arab boy. Instead, she finds herself involved in a dangerous adventure that quickly develops a life of its own, and becomes deadly serious. Noa and her neighbor friends try to follow the adults patterns of behavior but, while entering the turmoil of political conflict and hatred, they discover that the solution is not to be found in the violent adult arena, but rather within their own hearts.
Life in a Tel Aviv apartment complex, an urban mosaic whose seedy characters, try as they might, can't get out of one another's faces. Gabi, a bobbed haired sexpot, and her lover Hezi—who's older, balding and married—rent a room to have an affair, while Ezra, a pot bellied divorcee, supervises an illegal construction site next door. All this racket drives Schwartz, a Holocaust survivor, to a mental breakdown. Other characters include illegal Chinese immigrants, a teenage boy who's afraid to serve in the army, and a corrupt police detective.
Bella ciao
A man struggles to support his family while remaining true to his ideals in this drama set in Europe during the 1930s. Orfeo Mancini and his wife Nella are a pair of working-class Italians who years ago swore allegiance to the Communist party. With Mussolini on the rise, Orfeo and Nella come to the conclusion that they are no longer welcome in their native land, and they decide to pull up stakes and move to America with their two children. As a result of some confusion en route, the Mancinis end up in Marseilles rather than the United States; needing work, Orfeo takes a job working as a manual laborer for a wealthy landowner. This requires a serious amount of pride-swallowing on Orfeo's part, since his new boss is an Italian expatriate who once courted Nella. The situation becomes all the more difficult for Orfeo when his employer throws his allegiances behind the growing fascist movement.
Фильм - не о жизни в иешиве, а об отношениях веры и того, что ей противостоит - догмы.
רחל / אנה
Tel Aviv Stories
Three stories about three women: one is trying to find the right guy; one is trying to get a divorce from her runaway husband so she takes hostages; one turns Tel Aviv upside down in order to save a kitten trapped in a storm drain.
חיים זה חיים