Nikolai Likhanov


Молодой московский клипмейкер Гриша прокладывает путь к славе через лихие девяностые — в эпоху беспечных вечеринок, бандитских стрелок и тяжких телесных повреждений. Его друзья — лучшие клипмейкеры страны, его клиенты — главные ее звезды. Одна лихая авантюра следует за другой — ребятам везет. И, кажется, что все только начинается...
The two school friends Bingo and Roma happen to meet on the street and decide to celebrate this event. They go to a nearby bar, where Bingo complains about his difficult life: supposedly he has no luck with girls and suggests they continue the celebration at Roma’s place. But Roma admits that they can’t go to his place, because he has a “grandfather” who rents his apartment for rendezvous twice a week for two hours. The puzzled Bingo tries to find out who the “granddad’s” beloved is, who pushes him to such feats, despite his old age. A little tipsy, they go to Roman’s place to track down the mistress...