Benjamín Westfall


Her work, her marriage, maternity, life itself… For Edith, everything has passed along without further questioning. As a cashier of a supermarket, she watches her days pass by between family and labor routine. Weeks, months and years she sees go by without even thinking. Suddenly, she discovers she is not happy. A conflict at work seems to synchronize with other thousands of sparks that set on fire the dry prairie of a society without hope. While Santiago starts to burn, Edith moves, bound for a change of life, no matter where destiny can take her.
Holistic Doctor
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
В паутине лжи
Doctor Sepúlveda
1970 год. Инес, Аугусто и Жерардо по 20 лет. Они члены ультраправой группировки, которая при поддержке ЦРУ, хочет свергнуть диктатора. Вместе они совершат политическое преступление, которое изменит жизнь страны и навсегда разрушит их любовный треугольник. 40 лет спустя прошлое возвращается и не все готовы платить по счетам.
Por mí y por todas
Jose Antonio
Ariel gets involved in a teenager's civil arrest, who is accused of stealing a phone. A mob surrounds the young man and some curse and beat him, some defend him. The police isn't showing up. Ariel has to decide what side he is on.
Ты никогда не будешь один
Главный герой картины, управляющий фабрики манекенов Хуан, впервые в жизни сталкивается с бессмысленной и яростной гомофобией, когда его 18-летнего сына-гея Пабло избивают до полусмерти. Отсутствие свидетелей и дорогие медицинские счета заставляют Хуана покинуть тихую стабильность своей жизни навсегда и оказаться в мире, где существует дискриминация. Но все его усилия сойдут на нет, пока однажды ночью на улицах Сантьяго он не установит свои собственные правила для того, чтобы спасти сына.
Puzzle Negro
El Dandy
A trans-media storytelling which combines comics, interviews, animation and film noir.
Citizen Kramer
Stefan Kramer taking advantage of the presidential elections in Chile decides to make a show for the occasion. Unfortunately, the public believe that it is a real candidacy and will have to become a real candidate.
Isidora immerses itself, in the manner of a journey through time and space, in the life of Chilean playwright Isidora Aguirre (1919-2011) and in the main ones of her 30 plays, which are recreated on screen by outstanding actors. Mixing family archives, life diaries and interviews she gave at the age of 91, the film becomes the creative biography of the author of La Pergola de las Flores, her most famous work, and opens the door to the social and political issues she narrated in her theater, the utopias that could not be and the conflicts that are still ongoing in Latin America.
Stefan v/s Kramer
When Stefan Kramer seems to have achieved everything, destiny tells him he has neglected what's most important... His family. His wife, who postponed her singing career to support her husband career and raise their children, is invited to a television singing competition; this participation will change her life. A comedy that tells the story of a famous comedian, who has to touch bottom, to reclaim what's most important in his life... The love of his wife and children.