1980s-set first feature follows a gang of ethnic minority youngsters called The Rascals, who take on an ultra-violent gang of right-wing skinheads, losing their innocence in the process.
In the late 1980s, Rose moves from the Ivory Coast to the Paris suburbs with her two young sons, Ernest and Jean. Spanning 20 years from their arrival in France to the present day, the film is the moving chronicle of the construction and deconstruction of a family.
Marion faces Paris at night with a feeling of vulnerability linked to the loss of her sister. She crosses paths with Alex. Their encounter will evolve at the rhythm of their wanderings through the city, like a journey through the night.
In the middle of summer 2001, in a small village in Burgundy, a film crew was about to shoot the first images of Jean Luc Gromer's new film, when suddenly the camera was torn from its foot and stolen by two young local teenagers: Joe and Patrice.
19-летний Джек, 17-летняя Лиза и 10-летний Матис внезапно стали сиротами. Каждый по-своему реагирует на семейную катастрофу. Лиза отдаляется, Джек, только что достигший совершеннолетия, получает опеку над Матисом. Начинается новая жизнь. Но как ты можешь быть ответственным за ребенка, когда ты сам только что вышел из подросткового возраста? И как построить будущее, когда прошлое становится опасной одержимостью? Сила и энергия молодости способны творить чудеса...
Adrien is twenty years old. He lives alone with his father, a famous actor with an overbearing personality. Adrien's summer in Paris is a succession of small failures and disillusions. More than ever, Adrien is a young man struggling with his self-confidence and his future... Unless he eliminates his father, who he considers the cause of all his setbacks.
Celle qui reste
From the opposite building, two girlfriends spy on the most handsome guy in the neighborhood, aka “the Legend”, discussing one friend's plan to spend the night with him – her first night of love.
Джессика – королева, а еще она рыцарь, мать, волшебница, богиня, звезда. Джессика спасает отчаявшихся детей, сирот, одиноких мальчишек, которые не познали материнской любви и превратились в чудовищ. Они живут как одна семья и пытаются создать мир, в котором смогут выжить.
A ski resort, somewhere in the French Pyrenees. Ivan solely lives for his motorcycle - the sentient, loving, breathing La Persistente. When a local rival tears her away from him, Ivan's obsession becomes to win her back…