Jeremy Spring


Отряд «Призрак»
First Assistant Camera
Боевой спецотряд, который побывал в самых горячих точках планеты и привык решать конфликты силой, расформирован после долгих лет службы. Но уйти в отставку у командира этого элитного подразделения не получится — прошлое настигает его. Бывалому вояке предстоит собрать старых товарищей по оружию и показать, почему они были лучшими в своем деле.
A New Lease on Christmas
Director of Photography
A single real estate agent falls for a handsome coffee shop owner - only to discover that the job she just took requires her to evict him from his shop.
Christmas Cupid's Arrow
Camera Operator
Holly, a professor at a small college, has had a long history of finding the wrong guy. She’s accomplished quite a bit in her life, but after her younger sister announces she is pregnant, Holly decides she is going to make an effort to meet Mr. Right. Meanwhile, David, another professor, is a single father, very smart and kind, but not the type that Holly takes notice of when the two are assigned to plan the Christmas Formal. At the insistence of her best friend, Holly signs up for the dating website “Cupid’s Arrow,” where she meets Josh, an attorney just hired by the school. He’s everything she wants on the surface, but has little to say beyond his work and good looks. Josh and David were roommates in college, so Josh recruits David to write poetic messages in an attempt to win Holly over.
Exit Strategy
Assistant Camera
A man who is trapped in a time loop must work with his brother to prevent a catastrophic fire.
The 30 Year Deal
Assistant Camera
Lindsey is celebrating her 30th birthday, but when a friend from high school shows up with a proposition, things get weird.