Denis Madyshev


Старик пережил всех. Друзей, жену, детей. Но одиноким не был. В коридоре хрипло жужжал старый холодильник – он и заменял старику близких. Старик не помнил, когда последний раз выходил из дома – не было надобности. Продукты ему приносил соседский паренек. А больше ничего и не нужно.
Director of Photography
Your habitual life can end at any time if your habits are more important to you than your life.
Написано Сергеем Довлатовым
Всё, что имеет значение для человека Сергея Довлатова, так или иначе написано писателем Сергеем Довлатовым. Из фрагментов произведений, писем, интервью, редакторских колонок составлен рассказ о живом человеке.
Один день Жоры Владимова
Director of Photography
The turning point for Russia is 1991. Exiled from the country, writer, dissident and human rights activist Georgiy Vladimov found himself in a forced, joyless emigration in Niedernhausen. Later, Vladimov will begin writing a novel in three parts, "Long Way to Tipperary," which, according to the plan, would cover the period from August 1946 to August 1991. But he will have time to write only the first part, where he will again and again return to the almost unconscious childish act of one day in August 1946. On that blurry day in memory, cadet-Suvorov student Zhora Vladimov went to support the disgraced writer Mikhail Zoshchenko.
Разлучённые небом
A documentary about cosmonaut Pavel Popovich.
Director of Photography
A woman wakes up alone in a clearing in the middle of a dense forest. Where she found herself, and how to get out of the thicket is unknown. In order not to die, a woman has to remember everything that she knew about survival. But the forest is not a warm island in the ocean, and therefore the health and psyche of a female robinson are at risk. The situation becomes even more complicated and dangerous when she discovers a hut with a related girl, and saving the “Friday” only complicates the life of the heroine.
Иосиф Бродский. Разговор с небожителем
Director of Photography
The film is based on an interview in New York in 1993 between critic Solomon Volkov and poet Joseph Brodsky. Behind the scenes, the poet answers the questions of the journalist. The conversation, in the end, covers almost the entire life of Brodsky. We are faced with the dramatic story of a man who categorically refuses to dramatize it. The story of a poet who gained in full, but lost immeasurably more.
Юрий Олеша по кличке
Director of Photography
Animated documentary film about the fate of the writer - Yuri Olesha. About how he was strangled by the grip of the era that fell to him, and in such an embrace he was forced to live not his life. Created on the basis of the writer's diaries, the film tells about the inner throwing of a talented man who died in literature thirty years before his physical death.